New #AUDIT Las Vegas Copper Shannon S#!ts the Bed, LVMPD Nevada

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50 thoughts on “New #AUDIT Las Vegas Copper Shannon S#!ts the Bed, LVMPD Nevada”

  1. What needs to happen in the police in this country is if you've been in the military you shouldn't be allowed to be a police officer they need to lose all the lieutenant sergeant corporal all of them military IDs identities that they get to use cuz we are not enemies they're supposed to uphold the law and protect us and what they do is they hurt us because they do nothing but sales reps for the courts the revenue they get to offset the cost of the cities and they just cause people stress i have psdt from the police

  2. Why doesnt this steaming pile of pig 💩💩💩💩 just go away? Hes being stupid.

    We are getting tired of this behaviour out of low IQ POS

    And they wonder why no one respects them.

  3. Stupid job…. look up history of police it was a guy who walked the beat the street.. assigned to nehborhoods… boy it has gotten way out of hand they thi k they are heroes lol smh millennial copeers.. God help us lol… 😂😂😂😂omg

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