No Crime? – No I.D. – Officer Retaliation Stops Patient From Going To Emergency Room!

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49 thoughts on “No Crime? – No I.D. – Officer Retaliation Stops Patient From Going To Emergency Room!”

  1. This goes WAY beyond ego, I think that cop(s) were going through a mental episode. There is no way a sane person would say we need to worry about the emergency first, to giving their 2 combined braincells time to pathfind to the nearest hospital (under 500ft away)

  2. Dr. Daniels here to ensure us that “she’s GOT her vitals”….
    * whew * that was a close one, thanks doc! I’m pretty sure he should be called to respond to every emergency so he can glance at a patient and confirm that they in fact still have their organs… 😑🔨

  3. 0:31 Wow, the cops block both the entrance AND exit of the hospital's parking-lot so they can blab and chat. 😠 At least bus-drivers have the decency to just nod at each other as they pass instead of stopping and inconveniencing everybody. And bus drivers get only $3 fare, not $200k per year. 😒

    0:45 He waited half a minute before finally honking to let the cops know they're NOT the center of the universe (despite BOTH cops knowing full-well he's there, one of them literally facing him 😒).

    0:50 I don't think the cop was flipping Kevin off, I think he was waving him to move into the other lane to pass the other cop. 🤔

    1:04 The fact that when asked why the cop is pulling Kevin over, the cop just stands there speechless shows that there is ZERO reason for it and he's just trying to come up with a BS reason (and is too slow to just make something up or have a ready go-to BS charge). 😒

    1:16 WTF? The cop wasn't even responding or anything, he was just standing there with his arm inside their car and wasting their time. He must have figured that if he can't inconvenience them and waste their time with his car, he'll do it with his arm. What a pile of filth. 😠

    1:17 Wow, the other cop turned around to assist his corrupt friend. The only crime here was the COPS OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC!

    1:33 The cop keeps casually just demanding the license for no reason because he thinks he can do anything he wants just because he's a cop. We saw that when they OBSTRUCTED TRAFFIC AT A HOSPITAL.

    1:52 And now the two cop cars are OBSTRUCTING MORE TRAFFIC AT A HOSPITAL. The cars are just going to keep piling up in BOTH DIRECTIONS. 😠

    1:53 Does the cop think Kevin is going to suddenly magically change his answer if the cop says "lemma have ur license" enough times? 🤨 Is it just me or does the cop sound a little stoned? 🤔

    2:15 Wait, is the cop actually trying to argue that he'd have moved if someone needed emergency help, otherwise it's cool if the two cops obstruct traffic? 🤨

    2:26 The cop is shouting "stay calm!" for no reason because he's setting up an attack for "his safety". It's the classic South Park scummycheating of shouting "it's coming straight for us!" before breaking the law. 😠

    2:45 WTF said Kevin's wife was "okay" just becasue she got out of the car? 🤨 I'm not sure this cop has even a SINGLE neuron in his head. 😒

    3:34 Of course the other cop got out and pounced at the opportunity to join his porcine friend to hurt some people instead of putting the dirty cop in his place. As always, cops can't do ANYTHING on their own, they can't even wipe without half the department for "backup".

    3:55 WTF said anything about "fire rescue"? 🤨 Is the cop on drugs? Is he mentally-challenged? Is he hallucinating? Is he just trying to call the fire-department in an attempt to screw this couple over by encumbering them with a bill for the fire-department? 😠

    4:25 The cop has a raging boner for the license so he can run him in the desperate hope that Kevin has some warrants he can GET TO arrest him for, or at least, he can add him to the database as "hostile to cops" so all cops can BOLO him for opportunities to harass him. 😠

    4:31 Swine: "okay, we'll deal witchu in a moment" – He's gotten what he wants, he'll arrest him for "obstructing", then add "resisting".

    4:36 Why do people keep demanding the supervisor? Who do you think trained the corrupt cop to be corrupt in the first place‽ 🤦

    4:55 The other cop standing there like he's at a hostage-situation or something, ready to jump into the action. 🙄 (To be fair, it IS a hostage-situation, Kevin and his wife have been taken hostage by a criminal impersonating a cop. 😒)

    5:00 The cop is trying to waste as much of their time as possible. He needs to be transferred to gang territory so they can deal with him for free.

    5:39 The cop can't even speak. Yeah, I'm convinced he's high af.

    5:42 The cop has no right to know her medical information any more than he has a right to demand Kevin's license, in fact, even less so, because he's not entitled to Kevin's license in this situation but could theoretically be in some, but he's NEVER entitled to ask about her health information.

    5:51 The stress from this bacon could cause her to miscarry. If she does, she should sue him and the department and the city into the ground. Always tell corrupt cops that you'll "sue them so hard, their great-grandchildren will be homeless". – Oh boy, this is Florida in July 2022, so if she miscarries, they might try to charge her with the a-word.

    5:56 WTF is the cop demanding to know their life-story? Is he trying to catch them in a lie or something? They were in an accident yesterday and they had a doctor-appointment today. So tf what?

    6:15 Um, is the cop just casually chatting with them at this point? Is he so lonely that he'll take any opportunity to blather on with people even if it causes harm?

    6:32 This cop has said "yesterday" so many times, I keep forgetting he's not in the Beatles. 🙄

    6:45 They're giving the cop a lot more information than his driver's-license.

    7:01 Yup, the cop is calling in emergency-services to cost them money. There's no reason for him to call fire-rescue to come when they've repeatedly explained she has a doctor-appointment right now. 😠

    7:07 Um, WTAF was that? The cop suddenly lost his mind. He randomly said "sir, donchu don don dont don don dont do not threaten me" for no reason. Is he hallucinating again? Is he trying to pretend Kevin is attacking him or fleeing or something (and forgetting the cameras are filming)? Holy carp this cop is messed up.

    7:11 Kevin should repeatedly say "are you on drugs? oh he's on drugs, hey, he's on drugs!" to get it in on camera.

    7:14 The cop is actually saying "nobody's blocking you" when he was absolutely blocking him. The cop is 100% on drugs.

    7:23 Kevin: "you move outta the way when I have an emergency" – No, he moves out of the way NO MATTER WHAT. The cop was obstructing traffic. If a civilian did that for a second even for a valid reason, the cop would attack them and give them 40 tickets.

    7:32 The cops are STILL obstructing traffic.

    8:00 There is NO reason for the cop to call fire-rescue for them when she already has an appointment in the hospital and they're standing right outside the emergency-room, that's insane (which fits the insane cop). Again, he's only doing it to saddle them with a $1,000 emergency-services bill which they of course should not pay and force the cop himself to pay (not the department since that comes from tax-payers).

    8:08 Now he's demanding the wife's ID? WHY‽ 🤨

    8:16 The cop is slurring his speech so hard, he must be high AND drunk.

    8:30 DOH! 🤦 She gave him her ID when he had NO right to demand it and NO reason to ask for it.

    8:47 Yup. Like that one where a creepy couple tried to get into someone's house like from The Strangers then when the homeowners called the police for help, they demanded IDs from the homeowners and the wife gave hers so the cops tried to act like the guy was unreasonable for not providing ID like a criminal. (So the cops left and went back to the station and let the creepy couple and potential criminals get away.)

    9:02 WTF is he interrogating her? He has ZERO right to ask any questions at all. And why is she telling him everything? 🤦

    9:57 "We care bout erybody" – Yeah, he's reeeaaally showing his concern for people. 😒

    10:12 The cop keeps repeating himself over and over again and saying nonsense about Kevin "tagonizin'" him as if he's trying to set up a fake "aggravated assault" charge.

    10:45 Wow, now the cop is trying to gaslight Kevin by telling him how he feels, telling Kevin that he's having a bad day and taking it out on the pile of rubbish cop. The arrogance. The sheer unmitigated gall. 🙄

    10:58 Hey, the cop accidentally told the truth for a second there. He "AKSED" [sic] Kevin for his license, and Kevin said now. Because the cop has no right to DEMAND it.

    11:00 Yeah, the cops "were GOING TO" get out of the way, in a few hours. 🙄 Wait, is the cop saying that they were GOING TO get out of the way, but when Kevin honked, then they got butthurt at being criticized for obstructing traffic and decided that no, they're not going to move now and will try to arrest him? Is that a confession? 🤨

    11:15 Oof! Telling a cop this corrupt that he has no right [to demand ID] even if it's true is not going to go well.

    11:17 Um, weren't there any ambulances closer to the HOSPITAL? 🤨 (Maybe the cop called one that was furthest away to make the bill as high as possible. 😠)

    11:20 And did the EMTs wonder wtf they were called to the parking-lot outside the ER? 🤨

    11:27 The cop blocked Kevin from being with his wife during her medical exam? 🤨 Wow. He's just trying to collect ALL of the corruption like they're Pokémon. 😒

    11:45 Kevin is 100% right, he's telling the other cop that he has a chance to BE A MF COP and stop a criminal even if the criminal has a badge. But of course, he doesn't. 🤦

    12:30 The supervisor didn't bother to speak with the cop's victims? WHAAAA-‽ 😲 😒

    13:13 100%!!!!!!

    13:40 I'm about to watch the update video. I hope it goes well. 🤞

  4. Why are the women always so willing to give away their rights. I don't care if this couple was simply going for a drive… two cops have no business blocking both sides of a roadway. Period. No one owes them any explanation. In fact, this cop should receive a traffic citation for illegally blocking the road.

  5. WHY DON'T YOU ever Show these cops paying for what they did? Is it because nothing ever happens to them? The most I ever see is a judgement that nobody can talk about.

  6. As soon as I saw those cops block the entrance exit area I immediately knew it was Florida because not only do cops stop and block traffic to talk while in their cop cars the residents do the same thing here, I'm from NYC where you ain't blocking any traffic to talk if so you'll have thousands of Newyorkers moving you and your car 😆

  7. This officer should never be allowed to work in law enforcement when talking with his buddy and his Huge Ego are the more important things to him than a woman who needs to be seen by her DOCTOR… not a paramedic. Her DOCTOR to determine if shes having a miscarriage or at risk. He intentionally created a problem and it could have had life altering consequences for this family. his lack of caring is blatantly obvious. FIRE HIM!

  8. This cop is so stupid and wasting emergency resources, what if there was a life and death situation. And so stupid holding them up unnecessary. Hope there is a big law suit. And this dumb cop gets busted, and she was not required to show id and holding them up of getting medical care. This cop angers me so damn much. Supervisor is useless, and has the audacity to say im here to help. Them just let them go. Now stopping him from recording.

  9. You know a cop is wasting your time when he says the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


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