33 thoughts on “NO Qualified Immunity – $10 Million Lawsuit!”

  1. The left and right are actually working together….

    the corruption is in both parties….

    this is why when it seems that there is legislation

    that should pass through cleanly without problem
    which will actually help the people,

    there is always someone on the right to snatch the feet out of the mouth of victory….

    It is an illusion to keep the people divided rather than focus on where the problem really lies.

    These are the same people who want to bring us under control of the UN and the WEF governed by Agenda 21 principles….

    This is your New World Order taking shape…. Agenda 21 was designed to be specifically tailored to each area and rolled out on a regional basis….

    This has been happening now for over 30 years and yet there are so many people who have never even heard of Agenda 21 or the New World Order.

  2. These cops don’t care about laws of the land they don’t care about oath they have sow you wonder why they become cops I no it not protect people rights look what they did and say on video no respect at all

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