Officer Admits Guilt and Apologizes

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43 thoughts on “Officer Admits Guilt and Apologizes”

  1. One can tell this how cops are either trained or it's instilled in them to ask for ID from all participants in a vehicle. At some point when the passenger stood up for his rights he realized what he was asking was unlawful. Something he should know is unlawful. He manned up and apologized, he may become a very good officer in the future. He gets my 👍 for stepping up and doing the right thing.

  2. This is how it should be, the cop realized and apologized. This is great, now that don't matter when he should have knew to begin with but he did admit his mistake that would have stopped me taking it to court. That'd what the audit game is about. Not the money but the knowledge and to help tyrants understand there wrong doing.

  3. This officer should be a perfect example to what more officers should strive to be like. Checking themselves before things escalate, and admitting mistakes and apologizing rather than doubling down

  4. Whilst there are many instances of cop misconduct there should also be a database of commendation for cops behaving professionally like this.
    It’s just a shame it’s so rare

  5. Stopped representing the state made in fraud and deception 'person" over 2 decades ago…No STATE OF slave/subject/citizen/person id to provide….
    Treason of the 4th and 5th, aggravated extortion and deprivation of rights under the color of law are felonies

  6. I have 3 relatives in law enforcement. I EFFIN HATE THEM ALL. They are ALL THE SAME….They wake up, put on that clown suit, and they suddenly can do whatever the F they want which is to abuse their power and strip innocent citizens of their Constitutional rights. They get paid SOOOOOooooOOOOOooooOOOooo DAMN MUCH to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but create revenues for themselves to secure their pay and pension. If you believe otherwise, you're just oblivious to how policing works here in the USA. PATHETIC HUMANS!!!

  7. Pretty sure in a commercial vehicle like that theres some grey area like if you dont work for the company and wont id well call the company see if your allowed in this rig… Owner Op would be a little different too.

  8. Here we have a real police officer. A human being that can and will make mistakes but is honest, accountable and makes ammends for his error.
    Doesn't conceal malpractice, owns up and retracts his unlawful demand.

  9. This is why police need years of training, so they know the laws and the constitution. He likely had minimum training, and followed the bad examples of his fellow cops. Until cops are required to be insured and bonded this will never get better.

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