Officer Assumes Teacher is a Felon

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43 thoughts on “Officer Assumes Teacher is a Felon”

  1. the police are not working at crime prevention… the police are working to ensure that they are in control, once you realize that you were born a felon.
    Actually, this behavior is the same way spirits act.

  2. Their body language, speech, and other actions indicate they know they are wrong. Them looking at the first officer multiple times in an odd way shows that they never trust him or what he is saying. He needs to find another job. Scary.

  3. Guy rides past me and doesn’t look at me = suspicious activity.
    Guy rides past me and looked at me in my cruiser = suspicious activity.
    It doesn’t matter what you do, or don’t do, it’s all suspicious behavior to them.

  4. Rhat drive been arrest befor i seen video out albama he watering yard..cop showed up mad him i.d he said i didn't comiting any crimes ill not show i.d .i would be this is retaliation stop i pretty sure same man…how dare you drive and look at a cop. Ur guilty if you look at a cop…lawyer check look on line man water flowers buddy property nabor called on him thats his voice

  5. This is a situation where I agree. It's weird that the computer said it was stolen and I would get a computer analyst to see if the system is hacked and I would apologize and keep the man in the loop in case someone did hack and then make him pay some restitution and then have the local media make sure everyone knows he is innocent

  6. They could have stopped him the same way as any traffic stop people will stop as soon as they figure out that the lights are for them he could have walked up explaining what the situation is witch then the owner could have proven that the car is his/ her’s pulling out the gun he didn’t have to do that period especially to an elder thank goodness it didn’t go south they shouldn’t be able to pull the gun unless their lives are in real danger and not for something like this, it wrong.

  7. I hear a couple things that may actually be of use. I am pretty sure I heard him say "Oh, she said negative stolen? &@$#." at about 3:17. He seems to stress the word "negative", It seems like that dofus, the one who pulled him over and went all gun crazy the plate was checked on a faulty app, and then he called it in and he was told "negative stolen" and he heard only "stolen". He didn't bother to actually confirm that before he goes full sociopath. So, yeah, it's likely the computer, not the app, was fine, Technically correct. it's just that the idiot with the gun couldn't be bothered to actually listen to the confirmation. What. A. Shocker.

    Also, he appears to say that the teacher gave him a look around 4:40 and that's why he decided to run the tag.

  8. As a private citizen, the standard that I’m held to for drawing or using my firearm is fear or worry of imminent death, or significant bodily harm. I’m not allowed to brandish a firearm at anybody just because I’m mad at them or anything like that.

    Not exactly sure why it’s different for police.

  9. I was pulled over in LA. My work truck. Which i had on a uniform and jacket with the same logo thats on the door. Well i had 4 officers 2 at each door. Guns out screaming. I had no clue what was going on. Turns out the Company Truck was reported stolen a year earlier. It took 4 hours on the side of I20. Once they spoke with the owner. Then it was good. Except i got a ticket for a bad tail light. Somehow it was working when i stopped down the road. So yyeah it happened to me 8 years ago. Wish i had been more informed then.

  10. And what do you know . The citizen who was stopped was polite with the officers , didn't clap his hands at the officer and make a scene . Didn't start screaming about racism and how his granddaddy was a slave and he didn't have to put up with this . He stayed calm, the officers investigated , figured out the mistake was on their side and the man was able to go about his day . Amazing how that works .

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