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#Cops #Police #LackLuster
Sullivan County Sheriff:
Jeff Cassidy:
Big G Audits-
Officer Caught:
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Other Channels:
The Odd Side:
LackLuster Limited:
No accountability at all
Ffs dude why are cops so childish.
Childish i love it
4:45 disorderly conduct? Stalking?
Surely this sort of behaviour is textbook "retaliation".
I love big G, anyone with the balls to stand up to these tyrants is a hero in my book, plus his casual screaming of "Fuck you and your mother" was utter gold. On another note the officer who took the report is literally wearing a thin blue line ring for crying out loud, if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know from the start, he's gonna cover for anyone on his side no matter what because it's us versus them
This shows how pathetic theses public officials (cop) are. They are bullies and immature idiots 🤬
AHHHHH ha ha ha now this dude wants to go in and cry about the dude passing by his house and honking……but it's okay for this cry baby to go to ppls work and talk shit and call ppl names
Omg this dude filming is looking for trouble….and when he trouble finds him he's gonna cry and post it and act like a fucking baby
I used to get followed by the police everywhere. I had it on video but no lawyer would represent me. So what do you do when a lawyer refuses to help you.
Sons of B****S!!!
Cops are embarrassing idiots.
You can see the moment the lt decided not to do anything
Stupidiest video I seen…
The well being of your family has been threatened! As the head and protector of your family you obligated to REMOVE THAT THREAT!!!
Many many years ago I had a cop find out my address, we lived on a dead end street so he would drive by and have to come back by again. He did this in his cop car AND personal car. Sometimes he would go up the street and park where he could see our house. I called to complain (waste of time) so I filed a formal complaint and beleive me… they did not make that easy. Of course that went nowhere I asked about the complaint and got the "we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong". Then when I asked what would be done to stop this harassment I got the same "how do you know it was him" so I slid multiple photos of him driving, parked, etc… some from my neighbors as well and I mentioned we have video too. Then my dad tells the guy "Either you will stop this, or I will. Your choice." and walked out.
Never saw that guy again.
Get you lawyer to start proceedings…
Badges are awesome! You can do anything you want and get away with it!
That is something a criminal will do, with that mentality imagine how he's treating the inmates at his job 👮♀️👮♂️⚖️🎥🧐☝️
So childish this is who supposed to serve and protect
The VIDEO won't help the Lieutenant determine who owns the car … they don't hesitate to protect each other … just like a gang.
It would be so sad if these cops were tied up and drugged into a stupor while a dog ate their balls off. Id cry
No such thing as good cops they get fired are killed by corrupt cop and bad ones get that promotion
Man wtf
Gotta love the worthless good ol boy state, all the cops are just thugs for the big name families that run the state.
This video so funny two grow men act like two years have pissing contest
I don't feel sorry for these guys anymore.. they're not auditing cops, they're just stirring up trouble, filming people personal vehicles and releasing them on Youtube.. Some expose their homes.. So when it happens to them they cry foul.. Uh uh.. No way.. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.. You can't stalk someone, then claim stalking back when they do it to you.
I’d stand out on my porch with my AR and see how they react. 😂
Why are these cops so stupid. following a man. Then egging him on like that.
Why I don't like police And any government.
lol, I had to listen to Blountville 3 times to understand your pronunciation of it.
This happens all the time in TN. Super degenerate petty rednecks all fat and inbred.
Much like a well used fishing hole, you should fill that black SUV with lead!!!!
He stirred up a bees nest and then cries for getting stung😅
3:58 That's the exact moment his ego got knocked down. Can't even being handle being call a dumbfuck, but he's supposed to protect and serve the community.
I am completely for exposing and suppressing cops but supporting these idiots with their cellphone cameras and cheap video cameras, calling themselves "auditors" is taking a dangerous road. While I agree with suppressing oppressive police completely, you will find, when these camera morons using names like "auditors ", which they are in no way competent to be, start infringing on YOUR personal rights, it was a really bad choice
Did you catch that blue line thug wedding ring on Lt. Murry's hand? omg!
Well,,,,,, he has a legal right to drive down a public street. He has a right to travel, maybe he thought he saw an animal about to cross a road and it's just a coincidence and he made a wrong turn and was on the wrong street and that was the reason for the turn around? Just playing devis advocate, see how that works? He can use the constitution to do what he did. You wanna go out and flex the constitution, so can he. You can't prove he got your information from the complaint/request. Most likely did, but u can't prove that.
Now u know what it feels like. I love audit videos, but u can be the audit real quick. How does it feel?
He should be charged with stalking but sovereign citizens don't worry about laws applying to them. Because they don't.
All right, it’s getting a little ridiculous. It’s a fucking cigarette outside of a back employee door.
And these are the fuksticks that get called when someone needs help.