Officer Confesses To a Felony Under Oath!

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33 thoughts on “Officer Confesses To a Felony Under Oath!”

  1. Why is it, That ALL PIGGIES, when they go to Court, wear their Costume? No other Job, Career, and a stretch, pertaining to TYRANTS, are dressed as such? Not a Teacher, Priest, Doctor, Water Company Worker, Construction, Nurse, Coach, Even a Firefighter, which I have Never seen on Video. NONE, except, these "Heroes". Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔 It Clearly must mean, their word is bond, like Oak, as opposed to ANY Other person.

  2. Were you aware that blah blah blah? He’s going to get away with it because of qualified immunity. Don’t you understand that we live in a police slave state?? Try to skip your taxes or grow a harmless plant and see how quickly your “Freedom” disappears you wage slave. We’re all counted like cattle and traded like commodities.

  3. Just another example of what I've always said all cops are dirty! And even if they're not dirty they cover up for who is dirty so that makes all cops every single one of them dirty!

  4. And I guarantee he won't see the inside of a cell for a singular day. Just like all the rest of 'em doing whatever they want, whatever they feel like, and face absolutely no consequences for it.

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