

  1. You need to pay your fees to have freedom. Welcome to America. When i was younger , I was pulled over. Then my car was towed to an impound lot for having no insurance. I had to pay $150 for the tow and like $90 a day for them to keep it. They wouldnt let me get it out until i got insurance and proved to them i had it. Its all a big scam, and they got me for over $1000 by the time i got my car out. This was probably 20 years ago, so it's almost triple that because of inflation.

  2. Exactly true he has not complied with their constraints. He is not driving commericially, he has the right to travel, important the words being used, you do not drive, you are travelling.
    Do not sign any agreement (ticket), I do not understand! I do not stand in agreement with the terms, if you do sign, sign under duress, write it on the ticket!

  3. I dont think what is going on today, is what our founding fathers had in mind… Not sure why you need to invoke your rights when its written down. The Supreme court sure make up shit as they go along, don't they?

  4. 49:13 – in defense of the stupid tyrant, this is essentially what he was trying to say:
    “Citizens who commit ‘unaliving someone”, whether you believe you can commit that crime or not, will be forced to face the justice system (against their will aka by force). It sounded much worse the way he worded it haha but I get what he meant. That being said, the tyrant once again is severely misguided and missing the entire premise of this. Unaliving someone creates a victim. No one, regardless of whatever your beliefs are, is allowed to victimize another person, that’s it. So whatever that person does in their life as long as it doesn’t victimize someone else you should be able to do it (such as TRAVELING IN YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY ON PUBLIC ROADWAYS). Another way of saying it is there should be no such thing as victimless crimes. The fact the cop stopped this man in the first place should be what’s illegal here, one could argue that the cop victimized this driver by FORCING him to stop his travel and then threaten he face penalties that could result in losing money. THAT should be a crime. The driver harmed NO ONE. He should NOT have been stopped. No one should ever be stopped unless they victimized someone else, the end.

  5. We the PEOPLE should be voting on LAWS they pass!! AND WHERE OUR TAX DOLLARS GO! Hes right that they just use it for wars and nefarious things that if people knew they wouldnt put up with it. They are making laws to take away everyone of our rights, SLOWLY! Too many laws. Seatbelt law is BS! Its just another reason for them to stop and harrass or ticket. People should do what they WANT IN THEIR OWN CARS! All these laws for our SAFETY?! NO! They want less people in this world but they want to scam us for our money. It's out of control. I'm so sad that Americans are so ignorant of their rights. Most are all for people losing their rights. Its pathetic how they brainwashed so many! I was homeschooled, and my dad taught me our rights. Like school should be teaching kids. It is INGRAINED in me to love freedom and our rights. He fought in Vietnam and made it back. He was drafted, and he didn't flee. He's paid for that war in so many ways. Serious PTSD and other issues. But he didn't flake out like so many did. So much wrong with things today.

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