1. I have literally 65 years in many martial arts- 72 now and started at 7 and just quit. I've studied judo, Brazilian ju jutsu, karate, boxing, kickboxing, weapons and more.
    This is nothing but the beating of an innocent kid.
    He looks like he's about 135lbs. and these 3 to 4 cops are vastly larger. They are very lucky I'm not his father.

  2. I wish we saw everything. I had a channel show up on my suggestion feed and it was a damn bootlicker channel showing a cop shooting a guy unedited. WTF???? You guys need to sensor and they don't?

  3. The police are no longer what they claim to be they are now is everybody likes to call them blue line terrorist
    I know there's still men out there and women that are in the job that think they're there to do the right thing but they're going to stand by and watch their own Brothers do this to somebody knowing how illegal it is and then not even giving a damn that the man gets away with it without any charges

  4. Oh so the cop was immediately punished, which is what you'd want to have happen, but you are mad that sometimes bad people become cops? So we shouldn't have any cops? By that logic no over should have any job because someone bad might have that job.

  5. I hate to say it, but Chille needs to learn to do his time. I did 3 1/2 yrs on a minor drug charge. Once he accepts that he's there and he will be getting out after his time is up, it'll be easier. He'll be a trustee cause he's already sentenced. More freedom.

  6. Those POπŸ’© Badge Wearers from Rodriguez up to Dryer are MONSTERS, RACIST, and they should be in prison. Yes Sir, it's very sickening 😒😑😑😑😑😑😑😑. Place on paid leave😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

  7. Officer's were tryna diffuse the situation eh?? What a laugh. Had they been diffusing the situation they wuda been grabbing the jbtp off the 19 yr old. They all should be arrested n put in prison imo

  8. Talk about gaslighting…saying that was an effort to "defuse the situation"??? He AND the other officers should ALL be charged! That Commissioner needs to DONATE his pension to the fund this man deserves from his NAZI organization! Don't keep holding the taxpayers to account and the thugs that did this, get off scott free!!!

  9. If you or I punched someone in the face we would be charged with assault, because we got spit in the face, so another words we as citizens are NOT allowed to defend ourselves, so fucked up 🀬🀬🀬

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