Plain Clothed Officer (“bondsmen”) Batters Citizen For Filming

***Edit-Incident on October 7th, 2020***
Anaheim Police Department:
SGT Chad J Cummings
OFC Michael R Dohmann
Ex-Fullerton Police Officer Christopher wren? (bird man) Perhaps? Maybe.

Unedited Footage:

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00:00 Intro
00:58 Are These Guys Cops?
01:21 Alleged Officer Pushes Chris
01:45 Sgt Cummings “breaks it up”
02:28 Alleged Cop Intimidation
06:32 A Serious Problem
08:11 Final

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Disclaimer: NONE of my videos should be considered a “call to action.” The content is created to be educational or is newsworthy and of interest to the public.
I am not an attorney. My videos should not be construed as legal advice. You should seek legal counsel if you believe that you are a victim of police misconduct. The facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion. Laws, case law, ordinances, policies, legal doctrine, and all other jurisprudence is subject to the interpretation of the court. The videos shown are designed to be educational, and informative. They should never serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The content provided is in no way intended to provoke, incite or shock the viewer. My content was created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and to emphasize the importance of constitutional awareness. All claims made are alleged.

#1stAmendment #LEO #Cops


41 thoughts on “Plain Clothed Officer (“bondsmen”) Batters Citizen For Filming”

  1. UPDATE 6/8/2021 – Anaheim Police Chief Jorge Cisneros replied to this incident on their Facebook account, claiming that the plain clothes officers are bail bondsmen and are not employed by Anaheim PD. While the men who were in plain clothes may not be employed by Anaheim PD, they certainly are shielded by them and the thin blue line. The uniformed officers on scene who quote, "broke up" a physical altercation did absolutely nothing to remedy it.

    Evil persists when good men do nothing. Inaction is as shameful as the act witnessed.

    "Serve And Protect" has become "Under Protected and Over Policed".

    Anaheim Police Department:

    SGT Chad J Cummings

    OFC Michael R Dohmann

    Unedited Footage:

  2. You know what I did when I worked undercover? Avoided the guys with the cameras. I'm a retired police officer and can tell you I would not have officers like this in my department. If they had any sense they would or might possibly learn that if you just ignore the guy with the camera the guy would eventually go away and they would save the citizenry a lot of money. The supervisor took the coward's way out saying he didn't see what happened with it happening in arms reach of him.

  3. Abolish any immunity for ALL public sector entities including the courts & ALL jobs plus eliminate public sector unions which are inherently unconstitutional. Eliminate the Patriot Act & the use of torture cuffs. Police unions harbor and protect the thuggery, incompetence, misconduct, and inability to hold cops accountable. Eliminate pretextual stops. Unions promote the culture of arrogance, lack of accountability, and thuggery. Eliminate them and implement at will hiring so that cops can more easily be reprimanded or fired.

  4. and this is why USA is screwed… self entitled civilians sticking their nose into an obvious police operation and then quoting a flimsy constitution as their right to do whatever they feel is legal at the time… let's face it, you yanks hate complying with laws or lawful instruction, your govt, and anyone who doesn't agree with you… crazy thing is yanks don't believe others live happier, safer, lives in other countries… can't fix stupid eh?

  5. OK three things one why is this guy getting involved in things that are none of his business to I don’t believe this video the fact that he cut off the video no one turned off the video but him but the fact that it obviously pauses and then resumes it looks like a part is cut out so far all we know the officers did address it and he’s still trying to go on about it and three it didn’t even look like the cop touched him it looks like the video started cutting off right then when the cop quantum cop pushed him 2:32 MP3 and a for free it is reasonable for an undercover cop to not want to be filmed I feel like because if he’s actually doing a undercover job I would think that say like a undercover cop is a part of trying to take down a drug ring and someone post a video of sad cop where his gun and badge are obvious and the wrong people see it guess what his cover is blown so that is a very obvious So I think the cop was in the right and I don’t believe the cop pushed him I think not blowing cover on undercover cops is important OK again he is an alleged officer so he’s trying to expose someone that’s not even a cop or he doesn’t know if they’re a cop or not he says obviously the guy is wearing something around his neck and when I thought more about it I have a necklace that I wear occasionally and depending on where like I am I might put it under my shirt so just what lackluster tried to use is not good evidence

  6. It's funny the way they act literally makes them go viral. They don't want their faces out there but their actions to avoid that literally blow them up.

    I would have followed them and gotten their license plate numbers, done as much research as possible and find their names then a civil rights lawsuit.

  7. Let’s see.
    A good legal team in … California?
    What good that’ll do with their entire court system corrupted and built around corruption. Good luck w that.
    Even if one was to bring back Johnny or Columbo , with a recording of the incident, one would have to go up against officials that’s actively cover up and lie for one another. Then the courts are packed with judges that are so overzealous and ego driven that they go along w the culture just to fit in.
    A good lawyer in California….?….
    I challenge you to find ANY good what so ever there?
    Besides the land and animals there , people have ,so far, destroyed that region. Either that or destroyed their own image. I know small country towns that have 1000X better people and cultures than that waste land called Cali

  8. My favorite part about all this is when he said “You thinking I’m a cop, but I’m not!” when the auditor hasn’t a word about him being a cop. He’s obviously bad at his job if he invites the other parties involved to think about him being a cop.

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