Pregnant Teacher Stopped and Arrested | Officer Disciplined

This happened in Fort Worth, TX.

Pregnant Teacher Stopped and Arrested | Officer Disciplined


Facebook version (slightly longer and less censored thanks to YT):

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NOTE: We don’t condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct featured in this video, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accountability through the judicial system.


35 thoughts on “Pregnant Teacher Stopped and Arrested | Officer Disciplined”

  1. Infuriating. This just shows that there is not a single good cop in the entire department. Shame on every single one of them for not stopping this behavior a long time ago. If you know and say nothing, as a law enforcement officer, you are complicit.

  2. 7:15 “i was so close to not bringing her in, just writin her a ticket”

    “[but then i realized she was a pregnant sweetheart who’d never hurt a fly on the way to pick her husband up from the hospital after surgery so i put her in handcuffs]”


    at least he stopped short of actually booking her

    but still jesus fucking christ

  3. The only truthful thing he said was,” I don’t care”! No empathy or ability to “read” people or understand their circumstances, which is essential for being an effective cop!
    I do want to call you out on your characterization of the cop as, “acting like a woman on Bravo channel”. I don’t watch that channel but it sounds like some kind of put down stereotype of women. What was your intention there?😮

  4. I drove miles once in a box truck and didn’t pull over and the cop was pissed off and bein a dickhead. I didn’t go to jail though because the idiot was following me so closely that I couldn’t see him in my mirrors. He was right on my truck’s bumper so close he was in my blind spot for several miles

  5. There are consequences for the anti-cop campaigns of the past few years. Good guys are discouraged from working in the profession, while bad guys, like officer Reynolds aren't weeded out. They are retained and create havoc in their interactions with the public. Not much different than the adverse effects fallout from affirmative action hiring. Reynolds is no different from street punks and thug low lives.

  6. Substantiated or not, 29 Members of the Public filed complaints against this goon and as far as I’m concerned that’s all the substance I need. It’s outrageous that claims made by Members of the Public are ‘filtered’ in the first place. That’s like disregarding an instruction from your boss – never gonna happen!

  7. The cop is a pretty poor judge on character if he truly thought she was lying! Apparently HE has issues with lying but she clearly was terrified and contrite…and being honest.

  8. There seems to be no end to these stupid cops doing stupid things. We need more people suing and breaking the qualified immunity and taking real property from these morons. Until this happens we as a country will always be at the mercy of these Nazis.

  9. I'm sorry, but Qualified Immunity does exactly that. Cops literally get away with murder. But even if they do suffer any consequences, its typically some minor slap on the risk such as or a non-criminal misdemeanor charge, or 30 days suspension , and are never even without pay. So basically, they get a vacation. Imagine that. If these same crimes were committed by any of the people, they would all be major criminal charges with jail time.

    Don't be mislead by fake penalties folks, cop do getting away with this. Otherwise, they would still keep doing it. Now do we see how ridiculous our criminal justice system is? In an instant this school teacher wen from a law abiding citizen to a criminal purely due to a silly cause that should have been a traffic citation at best, a warning at least. Imagine criminalizing someone and filling the jail with such a petty thing? The CJS has become BIG BUSINESS.

    P.S. @3:38 sorry ma'am, but there are no police for the police. You simply have to accept whatever treatment they decide to give you. No matter how exaggerated or harsh. Then hope you get justice in the courts, but only AFTER you've been imprisoned, criminalized, traumatize, and all the damage has been done.

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