Perfect Amerikkkan police. No human empathy, no respect for the public at all. This kkkountry is a demonic place to be. Cops terrorize people and get away with it, mass shootings weekly. Yt lawmakers would love to bring slavery back. Smh, and all of this is done by yt people. But the media makes it seem as if black people are the problem. We are doomed if this continues.
How many rights of people have they violated??? They were taught that and did not know if that was wrong, and they shouldn’t. They are that stupid and robotic they need to be fired and their pension revoked.
Dirty cup hey why don't y'all just get a petition up instead of arguing with these cops you know you can get you can close down the police department they work for the people get enough people to sign the petition go to City Hall and disclose down the police department who needs a week. You can probably get some real pots to do a lot better job and have a lot better attitude and pry won't have all this corruption that we got in the police department neither
Always taught that cops were good people. Suddenly, cameras and body cams prove the opposite to be true. The only person who wants to be a cop is an asshole.
As a DA and SA victim who was raped by a service member I can not even fathom how I would have felt if this happened to me. It’s disgusting, embarrassing, and dehumanizing. What’s worse is that there were female cops there who should have stood up and said no this isn’t right. How would those women feel if their partners cuffed and held them while showing their bodies to everyone. Then to point out specific body parts they didn’t deem attractive. WTF. Not a decent cop in the whole bunch.
Full Video:
This looks like sexual assault to me.
He was probably a smart ass the whole time as well what a prick
Where is the criminal charges?
These cops families must be so proud of them. I would sue them but also make a deal they could never be a cop again.
We accepted just under half a million to settle this case..Mark Bullman of the Bullman Law group is my attorney and wins every case I bring him
Sociopaths. The lot of them.
And without the planned to fail 'war on drugs' they would have no cover for their evil.
Perfect Amerikkkan police. No human empathy, no respect for the public at all. This kkkountry is a demonic place to be. Cops terrorize people and get away with it, mass shootings weekly. Yt lawmakers would love to bring slavery back. Smh, and all of this is done by yt people. But the media makes it seem as if black people are the problem. We are doomed if this continues.
How many rights of people have they violated??? They were taught that and did not know if that was wrong, and they shouldn’t. They are that stupid and robotic they need to be fired and their pension revoked.
Qualified immunity is the first thing we as citizens need to get removed.
end qualified immunity! fire these cops.
That was beyond wrong and a disgrace to the uniform
All of these officers, especially the female officers need to be stripped searched and then some.
They knew it was unethical and that's why they turned off the body cameras! They're out and out perverts
Perverts! That is tantamount to pornography
Dirty cup hey why don't y'all just get a petition up instead of arguing with these cops you know you can get you can close down the police department they work for the people get enough people to sign the petition go to City Hall and disclose down the police department who needs a week. You can probably get some real pots to do a lot better job and have a lot better attitude and pry won't have all this corruption that we got in the police department neither
The nazis used to say that
Take their homes, pensions. take their FREEDOM
“Oh god, cover that belly up” hahaha first time a tyrant made me belly laugh
Just doing their job. So they just get Sued 😮😮
There is no one as profane as Esau
Trash police, blue lies matter
This is normal behavior and your new freedom! Shut up and get used to it !!!!
Unacceptable! I smell a lawsuit.
Cameras are in place to monitor the actions of the police- as is confirmed by this video, they cannot be trusted.
Path- e -tic police. ALWAYS
Put the cops in prison
Always taught that cops were good people. Suddenly, cameras and body cams prove the opposite to be true. The only person who wants to be a cop is an asshole.
As a DA and SA victim who was raped by a service member I can not even fathom how I would have felt if this happened to me.
It’s disgusting, embarrassing, and dehumanizing.
What’s worse is that there were female cops there who should have stood up and said no this isn’t right.
How would those women feel if their partners cuffed and held them while showing their bodies to everyone. Then to point out specific body parts they didn’t deem attractive.
Not a decent cop in the whole bunch.
This was in griffin, ga…. same place a cop shot his then wife in the face and tried to make it look like suicide
Holy lawsuit 😂😂😂
Disgusting, Disgraceful , pigs. These are some pathetic poor excuses for humans.💩
Well so what.. what did she have to a
Show to get the drug's in the first place..
These people need mental help… you reap what you sow
these cops are thugs
If they aren’t fired and sued, that’s a major problem!
Nothing will happen – learn to love our police state
That's why I don't like cops.
But don’t talk about the drugs. She had shoved up her!!😅😊😅😅😅