Put #1 If You Hate THIN BLUE, #2 If you Don’t like it, #3 If You don’t mind it, #4 if you support it


49 thoughts on “Put #1 If You Hate THIN BLUE, #2 If you Don’t like it, #3 If You don’t mind it, #4 if you support it”

  1. I like how you bring forward this Democrat educated punks with badges we are all starting to understand that these people were educated by woke left side Nazi Klu Klux Trans alphabet soup poop group LGBTQIDUMB hair sniffing methamphetamine smoking these are the people that are educating our law enforcement oops almost forgot to throw pedophile Hollywood elite

  2. People are allowed to wear symbols of pride in themselves or others, the thin blue line is a perfectly valid symbol, and the fact that you called it desecration the flag and act like it separates him from others proves you have no idea what you are talking about, back the blue every day

  3. #1) The "Thin Blue Line" is a gang symbol that was co-opted by supremacists who cheer cops killing nonwhite citizens. Don't take my word for it, nowadays you can see the TBL flag flying next to Confederate flags in right-wing protests.

  4. All of you guys are stupid if you think that blue li e a gang flag that black flag with a blue line on it. It means The Thin Blue Line flag is a field of black background separated by a thin blue line. The symbolic meaning of this thin blue line is representative of all law enforcement officers.

  5. He has put it on his uniform and his face, because he wants to be a member of the biggest gang club in the world. As we have the same problem with gang members in the UK. they wear a similar outfit to them

  6. He pledges to the blue line gang bangers, the largest criminal gang in the country!!! Oath breakers!!! Desecrators of the flag!!! They serve themselves , the thin blue line gang!!! Tyrants!!!

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