What I wanna know is how do you file a complaint against their Oath of Office and their bond, which allows them not to be able to partake as a police officer.
Monroe County Sheriff's Department are ran by tyrants. you don't have to show ID if a crime has been committed. this is completely retaliatory. Monroe County Sheriff's Department is a disgrace to all of the sheriff's departments that act honorably. the Sheriff's Department that protectandserve in my area where I live are honorable..
Anybody remember the Stanford prison experiment? The one where unchecked power because of specific uniform items (darkened glasses, face coverings , badges) caused inhumane treatment?
The cops here are horrible and should be terminated. The bigger problem is with the DA's office. This should not have taken more than a review of the body cam to dismiss charges not 14 months. If DA's would dismiss and give directions to police administration then things might change. Now he should sue and unfortunately the public ends up paying.
If the guys that do this actually had jobs I wonder how they would feel with someone constantly showing up to their place of work harassing them trying to piss them off I imagine that you would get some anger out of them as well and also the same people that do this to cops are the first ones to call them for help when they are the victim of a violent crime
These videos so need follow ups I’m like 90% of them is content creators could have so much more content if they would just follow up on the videos you already got all the information it seems like a win-win for you and me I get sick and tired of watching videos with no follow ups and it makes me not want to watch them at all I get so invested and then you get to the end and nothing
Leo should be required to be licensed to be in their position, and they should carry their own insurance, and all QI needs to be done away with. Have the leo retest to keep said license to be a leo. Should they fail, then unpaid leave until they can take the test. Only give said test once a month. You will start to get a better quality of leo.
They wait to dismiss until the last second to make you pay for fighting it as well. We need a database of these guys so we can just doxx them into oblivion
Need to get that District Attorney to explain themselves to the state BAR association. This kind of antics ought to cost this sort of douche his license.
I know that my sister was at a BLM protest I'm not for that movement but she is and one of the cops arrested her for assault on a federal police officer charges were dropped 2 months later after she had to pay bail yeah systems f***
They expect us to listen to them but they don't listen to us
Hire a hitman
What I wanna know is how do you file a complaint against their Oath of Office and their bond, which allows them not to be able to partake as a police officer.
Monroe County Sheriff's Department are ran by tyrants. you don't have to show ID if a crime has been committed. this is completely retaliatory. Monroe County Sheriff's Department is a disgrace to all of the sheriff's departments that act honorably. the Sheriff's Department that protectandserve in my area where I live are honorable..
no thanks Barney
Anybody remember the Stanford prison experiment? The one where unchecked power because of specific uniform items (darkened glasses, face coverings , badges) caused inhumane treatment?
Dictatorship pig
The cops here are horrible and should be terminated. The bigger problem is with the DA's office. This should not have taken more than a review of the body cam to dismiss charges not 14 months. If DA's would dismiss and give directions to police administration then things might change. Now he should sue and unfortunately the public ends up paying.
The process is the punishment
Where the fuck is Dp Stulkins arms.
Every time I see something like this I hate them more and more. God help them because I won't.
the fat blue line at it's finest!🍩🍩🍩
the fat blue line at it's finest!🍩🍩🍩
If the guys that do this actually had jobs I wonder how they would feel with someone constantly showing up to their place of work harassing them trying to piss them off I imagine that you would get some anger out of them as well and also the same people that do this to cops are the first ones to call them for help when they are the victim of a violent crime
Trial for what I don’t understand it’s clear why they arrested him no shame
These videos so need follow ups I’m like 90% of them is content creators could have so much more content if they would just follow up on the videos you already got all the information it seems like a win-win for you and me I get sick and tired of watching videos with no follow ups and it makes me not want to watch them at all I get so invested and then you get to the end and nothing
Wow feeling more like communism everyday
Criminals with badges and guns.
Leo should be required to be licensed to be in their position, and they should carry their own insurance, and all QI needs to be done away with. Have the leo retest to keep said license to be a leo. Should they fail, then unpaid leave until they can take the test. Only give said test once a month. You will start to get a better quality of leo.
Well I hope Adam files lawsuit against them for locking him in the building false arrest excetera excetera. If he doesn't they'll do it again.
U dont like dealing with cops, dont commit the crimes lmao. Easy peesy
This is the reason why we cannot trust police officers they have no honor
Why people keep messing with the popo if they know the popo is the first one they call when they in trouble.
They wait to dismiss until the last second to make you pay for fighting it as well. We need a database of these guys so we can just doxx them into oblivion
That's it? There's not much to this?
Look at the COPS defunding themselves!!!!!!
Yea they're just thinking of a lie when say "LISTEN!"
I'm trying to think of probable causr
Need to get that District Attorney to explain themselves to the state BAR association. This kind of antics ought to cost this sort of douche his license.
What’s up with these ridiculous litigation timeframes? 14 months for bogus charges?? How is that due process?!
The covid days, where everyone looks like a bandit.
Well damn 😱
But that was on his record for 14 months so it's probably hard to find a job along with any other complications like missing work to go to court
I know that my sister was at a BLM protest I'm not for that movement but she is and one of the cops arrested her for assault on a federal police officer charges were dropped 2 months later after she had to pay bail yeah systems f***
Wetaskiwin RCMP does this too
Man is he skinny
This is why the world 🌎 don't respect these tyrant pos pigs 🐖
Sounds to me like the dept of Justice needs to investigate and do their job against power abusive, civil rights violating the people they serve.
#DeptOfJustice Do your goddamn job or we must dismantle your agency that does nothing for the people.
Something needs to be done about the police in this country. They are given too much power and this makes most of them corrupt.
You are acting suspicious says the dude wearing a mask and glasses no to be identified!!🤨🤨🤨
He uncovered some dirty cops
Did he sue? Or is it even worth it with court costs and the amount of time it takes?