Ridiculous Ironton City Council Member Chris Perry

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Great Lake AUDITS IS IN JAIL IN TOLEDO OHIO; Lucas County Jail. His name is AARON COLLINS.

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28 thoughts on “Ridiculous Ironton City Council Member Chris Perry”

  1. So China had 1.4 billion population and 1.7 million in prison. America had 331.9 million population and 1.2 million in prison. So we have a way higher percentage rate of people in prison than china.

  2. . Last comment. Rather than a new jail, how about programs to help those born into this world in the situation of lack of money, lack of a stable family, lack of security. But instead have programs to help these people who have been a victim to become a product of member of society

  3. How do you think it would have turned out had it been Chris's wallet and the cops stole it. It would have gotten returned is what would have happened because he isn't considered a pee-on like the rest of us.

  4. The saddest part about everything that's been going on and all these videos is the simple fact that these elected officials these hired officials can't go back to the very beginning of why you came there. A police officer stole a wallet which led to harassment etc

  5. OMG Chilli!!! How could you stay on the call so long with this arrogant SOB??? He's an obvious sell out and is more concerned with the money he's making than with the issues at hand! His "$700.00" is only what they show the people

  6. this guy is a block head idiot he don't listen to anyone and he knows nothing but wants to do more of the same and cops are good guys? wrong. firemen are good guys… cops are nazi stormtroopers for conservative religious racist rich overload agendas. status quo sucks and so do you…

  7. We have more people in prison than any country in the world based upon percentages of population. So based on pure population we have a higher ratio of prisoners than any country in the world.

  8. We love you Chile if you read my novels and I will apologize right up front cause I haven’t proof checked anything. I do voice texting at any rate I apologize right off the gate if I have typos, voice typos, as it is. This moron showed his true colors, and you were amazing and professional Chris what is a control freak lowlife who doesn’t know what he’s talking about he can’t talk the talk because he’s never walk the walk he doesn’t even have intellect or kernel knowledge of the things he speaks on. I wipe my feet on him.

  9. Yep you’re a moron, Chris you just keep that flame of being a moron, burning before you’re getting off of this lifestream, you have to say which is pathetic and that’s the total thing about you and your pathetic absolutely pathetic. You’re the first person I have ever heard besides an officer yelling at his victim, trying to take control of the conversation constantly, and people shut up because they’re in fear of their life when they’re handcuffed in about ready to lose their life, but hands of cop murder by cop, but you are the most asinine egotistical waste of flesh. I have heard speak in a very long time.

  10. Yeah, treat Chris with kid gloves because he can’t handle the truth. He’s gonna keep on yelling over the top of you and go no no no no no no no no no no no no no cause he doesn’t listen to anybody but his own voice that’s what comforts him and lulls him to sleep. Actually lost most people to sleep because they don’t wanna hear them and they’re falling asleep just so that they can have a reprieve from this moron.

  11. Chris , you’re an ass you have to start yelling over him constantly and doing no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you freaking baby Charlie don’t act like you do you’re an asshole and I don’t care what color you are

  12. All the sudden I don’t know 35. 40 minutes into this thing now you finally say, the words that you were arrested one time in your life,, after he keeps pressuring you. I’ll do anything to try to match chili and experiences that he’s gone through. What a joke you are.

  13. Chili he lied to you he’s never been in jail and the experience that he says that he had in jail for the one time that it happened he didn’t get strip searched he didn’t get the bend over coughing thang. No handcuffs I don’t believe it happened.

  14. Oh, this guys lying now they didn’t strip search him and he admits that they did not. They didn’t put handcuffs on them. I’m not buying the store. He’s a liar. He is an absolute liar. He likes to spin things to his advantage. There’s no way this guy doesn’t tell the truth I’m not believing it.

  15. I took a pause here from the moron that’s talking with chili. Listen, I don’t believe a word this guy says. This guy is now claiming that he was in jail before. They never put handcuffs on him that doesn’t seem legit either. He’s talking out his butt because the whole time he asked if you have been in jail before he says you haven’t have you, and he never answers it so finally after the bantering back-and-forth and chill, he held his ground, instead of being polite to the moron. He finally says he’s been in jail. I think he’s making the whole thing up so he has a leg to stand on as far as what it’s like to be in jail this whole time he’s not acknowledged that question and all the sudden takes them a little while to think the year that it happened they get full of crap lies come back to bite you in the butt, Mr.

  16. Oh my God, Chris you’re talking as if chili is bringing up race .. you’re black. . You’re the one bringing up race. He’s trying to tell you what your race being black is being the most abused how can you not recognize this? He has compassion for what they’re doing to your race as dominating it in the jail systems as prisoners he saying wake the hell up and see what’s going on with these demographics. You’re such a bootlicker that you can’t see the truth. And you certainly don’t want to hear the truth. Hence, you interrupt everything that he says . Chili
    This guy has not looked up any statistics he just argues with you freaking Google it, moron and stop cutting chile off .
    Chris, I’m a female and I’m following chili to the end. He is the most humble person on any of these platforms you however Chris are narcissistic factors, opinionated piece of garbage that I’ve seen on here to date you are on the highest pedestal. Don’t confuse that was being God. I know you want to do it but just don’t. I don’t think God’s very happy with you right now.

  17. He’s trying to point out that it’s not about Americans being put in prison it’s the majority of them being black you don’t even recognize that fact. It just baffles me that you have no facts on anything and you just keep running your mouth with no intelligence to back it up no stats all you want to imply is that chili is wrong to puff your chest out the people see through your BS Wow. Chris, you’re a moron …Chile I’m sorry I can’t watch this any longer.

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