RING Doorbell Gives Private Video To Police | Privacy Scandal

Details: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2023/03/30/ring-doorbell-gives-private-footage-to-police-huge-privacy-scandal/

Politico Article: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/07/privacy-loophole-ring-doorbell-00084979

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45 thoughts on “RING Doorbell Gives Private Video To Police | Privacy Scandal”

  1. You know the crazy thing. People invite strangers into their house every time they buy that kind of stuff that Alexa or ring cameras or any of that kind of stuff they can see everything you do in your house and they don't even need a warrant. They just go ask the people it's crazy. I would never put anything connected to the internet in my house. All I uses my cell phone

  2. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what could and would happen if this allowed to continue.. unbelievably scary.

    1984 anyone?

    I'm sharing this with everyone who has Ring..

  3. yea when it became known about companies like microsoft and amazon recording, listening, and storing data i thought people were nuts to allow it. convenience is there sure but not worth such blatant intrusion into your home. just my opinion though seems a non issue to most i talk to. Always reminds me of 1984.

  4. It’s bs they get any warrants from his property when he hasn’t done anything wrong. I’d tell them they can post one of their dipsh!t officers on the corner with a camera if they wanna watch my neighbor.

  5. I learned this about Jeff bezos giving access to law enforcement on the products he sells us. I am anti Amazon and now I'm anti ring products. I discarded all of them long ago. And replaced with hardwired surveillance systems with audio that I upload to my own website for storage. No cloud storage so that Apple can't do the same thing.

  6. Nacogdoches,Tx wants people to sign up and allow them full access to there cameras to help crime sadly plenty of idiots will probably sign up for it and let them have complete 24/7 access to there homes 🤦🏻‍♂️

  7. This is concerning because I've been considering getting this set-up, now I'm not. Can the police invade your right to privacy on your cell phone ? On the police TV shows they get warrants to track your phone records, what about cell phone pictures ?

  8. What kinda warrant is that? I understand the warrant giving police access to video footage that's obvious but the warrant should be specific to police search requirements and clearly based on their request to view the street its completely unwarranted to give them full access to this man's private residence and his business footage because that has nothing to do with what the police was searching for. If this resident is indeed not the subject of police investigation then the judge should be sued for misconduct and misuse of power, since he's granted a ridiculous warrant that allows police to not only access footage of the street and road infront of this man's house but also footage of his private residence, sitting room, bedroom and business footage which is uncalled for. That is mad.

  9. Yep, crushed my ring doorbell months ago when I first found out about this. This is also when I decided to keep my cell phone in a drawer where it can't hear me. I don't take my phone with me any more.

  10. Cops in these vids are worse than most avg. criminals. Every willful right violation by any cop is an act of treason, every coverup act by a cop is a conspiracy to commit treason by dept.s. Without warents ring aka amazon violated the privacy rights of their customers and even with one has a duty to challenge for the constitutionally specific warrant.

  11. soon AI will be involved in all this, then we have huge problems. if you dont 'comply' with demands to do or act in a certain way, AI can get every piece of info and your history and out of context statements online and all pictures and videos and edit those out of context , compiling an open and shut case to blackmail you into doing as it demands. it can do this with every person, your family members friends and co-workers, essentially every person on earth. causing all of them to act in concert to bring about a desired result.
    this is NOT science fiction.
    it is capable now. it is slowly being unleashed now.
    just think about what i just said a minute- every person you know, and strangers, simultaneously being in a threatened stressful mindset to act, or else be exposed for cheating on a spouse or committing an 'apparent' crime if they dont comply immediately to act against a person or behave in a certain manner …think how that could destroy lives ,cause murders, cause hate, cause all these thousands of people to act in concert in a chain reaction of events that you would never imagine the end result because its beyond human ability to understand the outcome of that many people being deceived into behaving a certain way at the same time.. BUT AI HAS THE ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND THE EMOTIONAL STATE OF EVERY PERSON ON EARTH AT THE SAME TIME AND WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN TO TRIGGER THEM TO ACT AS IT DESIRES…
    just from data posted or gained from clouds and websites and texts and documents and 'private' information stored in servers around the world.🤐

  12. I’m just wondering how long it’s going to be before We The People revolt against our constitutional rights being stomped all over. Look at history, it’s going to happen.
    Abolish qualified immunity and overturn Terry v Ohio

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