Why is the public so upset at this sheriff’s department? Can an official government social media page block you or delete your comments? Can they just delete the page entirely to stop public criticism?
Details/Links: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2023/02/21/sheriff-deletes-facebook-page-im-getting-bashed/
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Letter/Flow Chart/Details here: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2023/02/21/sheriff-deletes-facebook-page-im-getting-bashed/
If he can't take the heat he should get out of the kitchen!!
Sorry you are treated badly….a..hole!
This guy has mistaken his star for a crown… Nobody died and made this sissy the king. People are allowed to list their grievance for the government. This baby needs a bottle and a nap, he can't deal with reality.
I absolutely love attorneys who stick their necks out to advocate for members of the public! I love knowledge as well. Steve Lehto is amazing, and after watching this video, apparently, you are as well! Thank you!!
How do you delete a Facebook account??!! I have tried it but can’t find any way to do it! Help me please!!

If you are going say anything rude or critical about us we will just trtreat behind our THIN BLUE WALL.
Can they shut off the public comments?
The really scary part is that this guy thinks it's perfectly okay to delete or moderate comments. This is a person who has taken an oath and doesn't even fully understand the concept of free speech. Maybe these guys should watch some documentaries about Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia and see how that worked out for everybody.
What about simply turning off comments?
How is it that they are allowed to delete the entire page, if they are not allowed to delete comments? Deleting the entire page IS deleting comments. All of them.
WV state police and WV trooper now have their Facebook back up. The backlash must have been awful to put it back up. Or maybe there were still legal repercussions.
Don't be awfully
life isn't fair that droning
Omg. People are rude on the internet
Quit worrying yourself therefore something happened. If you sorry that may times no matter what th e subject. You are probably not
Perhaps the comments were directed toward the mother and the police thought it was cruel. He seemed to say sorry that people are so rude. Complain about the government but hold your thoughts toward a grieving mother. Was it pssible that the comments were personal and not really directed toward the police.
Aww ,, people are rude about corruption, what a sin

. I'm only sorry we have a corrupt system in which the public are not given THE RIGHT to speak about…
Bout to be a big stir over jury nullification in calhoun ga very soon 'and the jury shall be the judges of the law' that is what the bill of rights says in GA, not 'if the defendant broke this law you must convict' a lie told to this whole nation.
Proves this dept. is too bad to accept public input. Employees hanging up on their employer and unplugging the phone. If I were a Judge after this act, I would instuct the jury this dept. cannot handle questions or critical review so their statements must not be trusted as they are a bunch of snowflakes with a unhonest record..
Facebook is an absolutely suck way to communicate with the public. I won't get messages or updates from friends for weeks. It's unreliable at best. Having said that. Preventing free speech because you are "getting called out" no matter the venue. FB is no different than writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
Good bye, don’t care
How do I take action? Is it expensive? Can I do it myself?
The Facebook page might be available through the Wayback Machine.
Sounds like the public had people commenting bad things about this to blame the mom for making a mistake. The sheriff wasn't the target.
Didn't sheriff run for public office and seek public exposure ?
So, rather than change their behavior, they restrict your ability to criticize them.
Speech to incite others to violence. Interesting , so the public can’t incite violence, but Maxine Waters can in a public forum. With no consequences from law enforcement or her own constituents. Another example of the two party justice system.
Simple, don't abuse people's rights. Don't beat people in jail. There are people in jail Because they hurt your Feelings or called you a bad name.
Why cant we protest the government in the court room?
The man was about to cry just because some people on the Internet were mean to him

Sounds like the problem is with the sheriff and department. Change your bad behavior so you’ll get good reviews! It’s not that complicated…!!
How in the world was this guy ever elected sheriff? Bing dong da lang dang, he sounds like a banjo. Boomhauer!
Cop: Why am I getting so much hate?
Keemstar: First time?