They’re only looking for the ignorants. DUI checkpoints are legal in most states that doesn’t mean you have to play their game. Don’t answer questions show your paperwork and keep it pushing.
The cop did nothing illegal. But its is a loophole, if he smells alcohol he has probable cause to pull him over then. Most of these videos the officers are in the wrong. But very many of them the people are wrong or the video is just made to make the officer(s) look bad.
Bro..I have this ingenious idea! Why not just cooperate with the guy and everything will go smoothly?.. It doesn't take much to hand an officer your ID, then when it's all said and done, you can report him afterwards… Food for thought, see how long it takes to digest…
Remember that they are also doing a job. Refusing to cooperate takes away from the authorative stance the officer must establish in all encounters with civilians, and it gives the impression that you have something to hide like arrest warrants and so on. Put yourself in a cops shoes and think about what it's like to be dealing with rude and disrespectful people all day long that don't appreciate the service you provide and/or the sacrifices you have made..
Just give them the ID and ask for theirs in return, without the smug know-it-all attitude, nobody likes a smartass!..
This is still an unconstitutional stop you have a right to travel unmolested. They still violated his rights. Not a perfect interaction.just better than normal.
Got stoped 10+ miles from the border at a checkpoint near calipat/niland. The cop lady was really grabbing on my junk to find something and i was 18 too, i had a medical marijuana card and she tried to take my weed saying it was illegal to bring it through a checkpoint on the US side miles from the border, the other cop said no its in there(my car) and she gave him the dirtiest look ive ever seen in my life when he underminded her. They were alright tho I had no drivers license and they let me go every time so i can’t complain the search.
DUI checkpoints aren’t unconstitutional though. It’s been considered at various State Supreme Courts and is accepted at a federal level. Yes, there is an argument to be made about assumptions of guilt and how that might run afoul, but it never holds up in court so saying “[DUI Checkpoints] are unconstitutional” in the video is just misinformation.
Wish I seen more videos like this instead of the ones we see all the time. Cheers to the Professionalism of this Officer Outstanding Service Thank you He needs to be an instructor at the academy.
Yeah but because of white privilege its that simple and easy. Have it been a black guy… Driver (blk): I dont answer questions Officer: alright turn off the engine and step out of the vehicle !DO IT NOW! STOP RESISTING (shots driver) Another officer: SHOTS FIRED SHOTS FIRED! 《 The end 》
Tased In The Nuts! – Charges Filed On Officer!
Check points are in direct violation of our constitution and bill of rights.
They are absolutely not unconstitutional don't drink and drive
I can keepp going?? You mean you aren't going to berade me I have to answer questions & suddenly smell something .
What's this cop up to
They’re only looking for the ignorants. DUI checkpoints are legal in most states that doesn’t mean you have to play their game. Don’t answer questions show your paperwork and keep it pushing.
If he was black though would’ve went different
Cop was just trying to make conversation to avoid weird silence….
He asked you how you were doing and you answered
Now, wasn't that easy.
Stupid cop trying to talk to you like he's your buddy. That's a trap
It’s sad how refreshing it is to actually see a cop doing their job.
Border checkpoints are legal if at the border.
supreme court ruled dui checkpoints constitutional as long as they adhere to strict plan
10/10 to the officer for allowing someone to use their rights and not continue to harass the guy! Thank you!
DUI and border checkpoints are unconstitutional
– the drunk illegal alien
It’s the alright! This guy knows. For me
The cop did nothing illegal. But its is a loophole, if he smells alcohol he has probable cause to pull him over then. Most of these videos the officers are in the wrong. But very many of them the people are wrong or the video is just made to make the officer(s) look bad.
Bro..I have this ingenious idea! Why not just cooperate with the guy and everything will go smoothly?.. It doesn't take much to hand an officer your ID, then when it's all said and done, you can report him afterwards…
Food for thought, see how long it takes to digest…
Remember that they are also doing a job. Refusing to cooperate takes away from the authorative stance the officer must establish in all encounters with civilians, and it gives the impression that you have something to hide like arrest warrants and so on. Put yourself in a cops shoes and think about what it's like to be dealing with rude and disrespectful people all day long that don't appreciate the service you provide and/or the sacrifices you have made..
Just give them the ID and ask for theirs in return, without the smug know-it-all attitude, nobody likes a smartass!..
And a little awkward moment at the end
I'm LMAO that's right dude you just killed me with that one lol

One of the few reasons I'm glad I live in Michigan: Speed cameras and DUI checkpoints have been deemed unconstitutional here.
Shiddd try telling that to Bolton County, MS
He was being nice..
It’s crazy that these people want to award this officer for doing the bare minimum of his job. Kind of sad if you ask me.
This is fake, cop didn't give him an attitude.
Good one.
That's what it feels like to be white wow.that never happens to natives.respect?wow.
Dui checkpoints are unconstitutional
Cop who wasn't picked on as a kid
Polite,respectful,did his job. Holy shit 10/10
This is still an unconstitutional stop you have a right to travel unmolested. They still violated his rights. Not a perfect interaction.just better than normal.
Ive never seen someone sober that looked like they were trying their hardest to look sober
I fail to see how DUI checkpoints are unconstitutional. And the Supreme Court has ruled that border checkpoints are constitutional.
If they are so unconstitutional then why are these check points still running?
He saw the cam
I think that video is fake, real american cops would arrest and shoot him
If the cop was polite, I guarantee he noticed that you were recording
He's white too
I hate stupid clips like this, that officer was being nice, the guy was being a dick for no reason
Got stoped 10+ miles from the border at a checkpoint near calipat/niland. The cop lady was really grabbing on my junk to find something and i was 18 too, i had a medical marijuana card and she tried to take my weed saying it was illegal to bring it through a checkpoint on the US side miles from the border, the other cop said no its in there(my car) and she gave him the dirtiest look ive ever seen in my life when he underminded her. They were alright tho I had no drivers license and they let me go every time so i can’t complain the search.
Guys a prick I don’t answer questions wow
Idk man cop was being nice.
What did the cops say at the end as he was passing the 2nd one
DUI checkpoints aren’t unconstitutional though. It’s been considered at various State Supreme Courts and is accepted at a federal level. Yes, there is an argument to be made about assumptions of guilt and how that might run afoul, but it never holds up in court so saying “[DUI Checkpoints] are unconstitutional” in the video is just misinformation.
I just flash my license and they say have a nice day
Exactly how it should always go. What’s so hard about that
He’s probably on probation or parole.
Wish I seen more videos like this instead of the ones we see all the time. Cheers
to the Professionalism of this Officer
Outstanding Service Thank you

He needs to be an instructor at the academy.
Yeah but because of white privilege its that simple and easy. Have it been a black guy…
Driver (blk): I dont answer questions
Officer: alright turn off the engine and step out of the vehicle !DO IT NOW! STOP RESISTING (shots driver)
Another officer: SHOTS FIRED
《 The end 》