is Soaring- Intro to

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44 thoughts on “ is Soaring- Intro to”

  1. Great idea and should be implemented but the problem is with the Dirty Cops. You can have all the cameras in the world and the cops will still kill you all out in the open.

  2. Without force how on earth do you intend to enforce any laws? What is to stop people from shooting anyone that would have that stupid getup on? Are judges going to have to sit and look at monitors all damn day? You are cluless.

  3. The thing is… the American police is an idiocy.
    Take German police, for example.
    I do not see them often, but I know if I speed or reckless drive, I am going to get a hefty fine by mail with very expensive photos, and if I am doing this consistently, I end up in Flensburg taking Idiotentest.
    I know if I say "du" or show a middle finger to a policeman (even to a road camera) I am going to be fined. So if I am stopped I'd better keep my temper and go to court if I want to argue.
    I wonder why the police in america have to stop you and hand the paper (!) in person. It is just a pretext for further investigation and this is just wrong. Somebody's speeding or rolling the stop sign – you have cameras, radars, recording devices – why do you need to chase and stop the person then inspect the car ignoring the person's consent and if you feel something fishy (or juany) you can arrest the person.
    The police should do their job, which is maintain order. Investigation is the other agency's job. Tracing unregistered cars is a very simple job, you need just stationary cameras for that.
    I tell you this story.
    Once I drove to a party on a rental car. I was the only one with a car there, when we found we need more vodka. The nearest shop still selling was the gas station five kilometers away. I was a bit drunk by that time and refused to go. Another guy, who also had had some by that time, volunteered. I gave him the keys. When he returned he said he was stopped by the police because he did not have his lights on and it was already dusk. Being a beginner driver he could not figure the switch and one of the policemen turned the light on for him. Then they let him go. He must have been reeking with freshly consumed alcohol, but the policemen did not see the need to investigate that, because they saw that that guy was driving safely. Would it be any good if they checked him for alcohol and requested his papers?

  4. The scifi story you're laying out here is poorly thought out and poorly constructed. It's time for you to go back to the beginning and start again. Hey, fiction is hard, it's going to take a lot of work.

  5. It seems to me that you train these people for 2 years, at Great expense, and then the first criminal come along with a gun because second amendment, just shoots them down. And you can't do anything about it, because you have no cops with guns. You send another person with a silly headset at them, and he just shoots them too. No, do I agree with you that police cameras are inadequate? And that they should be much more transparent? Probably. Do I agree with you that they should be permanently attached to the officer? Good God no. Also, just to point this out, if you put these on all of the transparency whatever's, it becomes a de facto uniform.

  6. "Imagine a world that didn't have the terms 'Law Enforcer,' or 'Police,' or 'Cop.'"
    So, putting aside the fact that we'd probably just invent a different set of words for people who are paid to uphold the law, I'm going to assume that you're trying to describe a world where no form of such a carrier existed. Of course, the obvious problem with this idea is that there are, have always been, and will likely continue to be, people who fundamentally do not do well with other people. The reasons are many, and some of them are actually within our power to correct. However, there is still going to be some form of law enforcement for the foreseeable future.
    Because there will always be the stupid who think the law doesn't apply to them, the violent who just want to hurt/kill others, and criminals who decide that their personal wellbeing is worth the suffering of others.

  7. This is by far your dumbest idea to date. Everything about it is mind-numbingly stupid. It shows you know NOTHING about law enforcement. Take your meds & get some counseling. You are literally teetering on the edge of certifiably crazy now.

  8. This has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard!? All your magic system does is create logistical nightmares. Who monitors the monitors? What if 1 agency disagrees with the others decision-making? Do these cameras magically stop bullets with force shields? Oh? I see a crime…what 25 mins till my drone arrives and shoots nerf darts at the bad guys? Hope everyone lives till then?!

    Delete Lawz…nah…Delete Brainz is much more appropriate! Now Delete Brains i have a practical, cost free method of avoiding trouble with cops and i will share it here with you right now…


    If you delete this….where's YOUR transparency?

  9. God you're dumb. You are Dunning Kruger made flesh. You are such a whiney baby. Waaaa Waaaa these cuffs hurt. The Po Po are big ol meanies who aren't perfect and therefore have to be gotten rid of. You have no idea of what a horrible dystopian nightmare your world would be.

  10. I am genuinely concerned for this funny wee guy. His verbal rhythm, difficulty in finding words and whole manner here suggest to me that he’s….compromised. Has he taken something that’s messing with his head? This feels like a LARP session from a wannabe enforcer, even before you consider that his “solution” to policing would require a vastly increased number of people to make it work. Not only would there be the people doing the patrolling, but one person from each of the two other agencies would have to be employed to watch the stream at all times. And that’s just one of many issues with this whole, remarkably ignorant and oversimplistic idea.

    Also, what is that on his face?? It looks like he’s glued together two girly plastic headbands and put them over his noggin. How quaint.

  11. Okay my brother, I blasted you all over Twitter. You should start to get a shirt ton of followers my friend. Keep up the good fight. I will
    Be in Dallas tonight. I will be attending a huge company rally. You are welcome to join me for the party I have extra tickets. Let me know, good good, drinkz, prizes, a lot of people to meet from all over the country and the Wolf of Wall Street will be there too!

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