

  1. DeCastro as much as I watch and admire you on most of your shows standing up and talk to them tyrants I must tell you the show with your guest Larry Forman is the most informative and pleasant to watch as this guy is unbelievable that everyone would love to have represent him even if you loose.

  2. I really like the format of this video brother. To be honest, getting information from you and the DUI Guy in one video is very cool. You did us a great service today, thank you.

    WE DON’T 🛑

  3. You da man chille. My nephew just got another d u i its his 5th one. Drink has destroyed his life ! He now has pancreatic issues. So is putting him in jail gone help. He is a alcoholic a cage will not change that. At least he cant kill someone on the road in a cage. Thanks for your help man . Nothing but love for all of gods creatures and this includes you

  4. Chili I just tried to buy your pamphlet and having problems with your app for that it’s denied me my card and my card is fine so I’m not able to take care of that I don’t know if you can reach out to me it would be nice

  5. Americans this is what you do exercise your right to remain silent amendment 5 and the right to have your attorney present amendment 6 before you answer questions it's that easy 3 rules to remaining silent
    1shut up
    2 shut up some more
    3 keep shutting up
    It's not that hard they use psychological tactics pretending they care they don't never trust them period anything u say can and will be held against u in a court of law so saying nothing is how you beat them then you sue them for trespassing on your constitutional rights take back your power

  6. This is wrong!!Now, because I want to drive I can be forced to give my DNA w no guilt proven. Maybe, the cop just doesnt like you or maybe youre dating the daughter of a cop and he just wants to know what you're about.

  7. Its a huge thing!! I was yanked out of my home, stepped on, injured, paraded through the apartment courtyard half naked in my pajamas because they got a noise call and came to the wrong apt. I told the cop to get lost that i just woke up and he was mistaken. He shoves his body in my door and proceded to assault me. I later found out they were steroid gum junkies on the force. I couldnt afford an attorney to sue them for the abuse. But, those cops need to be held accountable for their behavior! If they were we'd have a better peace officer. There needs to be better balance! Its way one sided. Its been so long ago its like talking about someone elses life.

  8. The public needs to create their own public pool of money to support and fight for people that have been extremely wronged by the government (city, county, state, etc.) Maybe, like an application process w quick turn around. Like, they have to meet certain criteria to get cases paid for out of the pool so its not wasted. If the government knew people had this they would probably start being more careful and there would be more lawyers because they know there is money for these kinds of cases.

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