Stalked By Weirdos, Strange. They are Calling me at Spaceship Earth Cafe



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45 thoughts on “Stalked By Weirdos, Strange. They are Calling me at Spaceship Earth Cafe”

  1. Wow Chili, that poor man you ran into that is in servitude for life to that municipality for a roach he was ticketed for 6 years ago!!! God Bless you sir, please help him! I have never heard of such a thing but it probably goes on all the time with poor helpless people like that gentleman you met outside in this video…. Please help him! Wow! Shameful! I just can't even compute how something like that is possibly even happening in this country! What court has that guy's paperwork / case go through it and the judge does not see a $1000 fine has now caused this man to lose his license, be jailed multiple times, all on his record…. probably making him not employable and caused him job loss that has now exponentially multiplied to $59,000!!!! That is indentured servitude! (SLAVERY!) Shame! There is no other answer besides corruption!

  2. This chief's willingness to lie as we watched the video should wake everyone to their willingness to do the same as they fill out reports, testify, steal our freedom and seperate parents from children. Fish rots from the head down.

  3. I noticed that you said you were not a sovereign citizen, that you are an American, a Patriot. As a Constitutional Law professor and in your opinion, why would being a sovereign citizen or a state national be unwanted in the United States of America. Wasn't everyone sovereign before 1886?

  4. Cops do not work for the public they work for Satan's butthole "Government n Big Corporations".all for revenue and to fill up the jails n prisons again for revenue. Big money". In doing so they are allowed to rape take and murder anyone they choose. There's no such thing as a good cop

  5. Hey why don't you try watching the road instead of watching the camera. Take the headphones off your head. That is illegal to drive with headphones on your head. Not very smart for being someone that's supposed to be educated. Just another common criminal is what I see.

  6. Hi Delete Lawz, I hope you’re doing well. I love what you do with your channel, I’ve been watching the videos every chance I get and man you’re awesome. The sucker-punchin pig, the border patrol, etc., those (hate using this word for these POS)officers are what gives the good ones a bad name and you make sure some of those p.o.s. are held accountable for their negative behavior. Love ya man and I don’t even know you but I love everyone that does like I do and show others that cops LIE too and will do whatever it takes to make themselves look good in the public eye. I confront negativity like this in my neck of the woods too (Yadkin County, NC). I’ve got a record but I can actually say I was on the receiving end of the corruption in some of my cases but not all of them. I know how to be honest. Thank you again and GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS, keep up your great work..Brian Reinhardt

  7. If we would beat bad cops instead of immunity they would get better or quit. Instead we pay their lawsuits salaries and paid vacations then they abuse us. Get rid of the scum it floats to the top and contaminates the rest. Jefferson revolution?

  8. Decentralized is definitely the answer Chille. That's why I suggested using blockchain technology for your proposal for a camera system in our society. Blockchain is completely decentralized, no one has a central authority over it. Just a thought. glad to see you buddy. Keep it up.

  9. I appreciate your efforts to improve. You look at comments and despite some of them chastising you. You are open to criticism. How does one become resilient to the pressure and be fair? Maybe some people comment in bad faith but not all…

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