Struthers City Council Meeting – #JamesSheets

WE DON’T STOP — Watch these Oinkers Plant a Gun on #JamesSheets – We want ALLLL the body and dash cam footage.

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29 thoughts on “Struthers City Council Meeting – #JamesSheets”

  1. The mayor's husband looks like the prosecutor's brother and the grin on the chief's face the prosecutor stopped him at the door and wasted his time knowing it was timed he was giving him rule's to waste his time bottom line

  2. Thin blue line, The most dangerous gang in the USA!! They break the law with impunity and the government backs them! Disgusting where’s the transparency?? I feel terrible for his family and friends ,most of his life will be forgotten all they’ll remember is how he died.

  3. I'm sorry for your loss something needs to be done about this is wrong those cops need to be fired and put in jail for murder, that is murder you dirty pigs once again sorry for your loss God bless love you chilly keep up the good work❤

  4. I pray that you can sue his pants off… I gave up on men but you are a good man… haha I am to old for you but hope I put a smile on your face… Go get your ears checked hope you don’t lose any hearing sweetheart…

  5. What legitimate council meeting would be done in five minutes after having this multiple barrage of bullets kill a man who is defenseless and with all of these police officers what were you guys saying it was about 15 cop something like that? And only one of them had a body camera on, but it was covered by his arm in his jacket it screams foul play. It screams corruption that being said, everybody better watch over your shoulders. This is like the ironton police department

  6. What was so babbling about the cop, allowing the boot, licking asswipe on the motorcycle Is that the cop is right there just as close as you were chili and he didn’t bad and I he had someone of a smirk, as this seem to be amusing to him.
    That’s a dirty cop that was evidence of his character as a human, and as a cop at the poster, child filthy, dirty cop, right there. He did nothing. There is a noise abatement violation for that, and the cop did nothing right in front of him right in front of everybody else and the guy on the bike was afraid of nothing Doing this in front of everybody in front of the cop. Do you see the corruption right in front of your own eyes? Did it make sense that the council meeting was over so quickly walk in see you showed up did a rollcall and then you leave? That’s a lot of money per hour That they’re getting paid and they don’t even put an hour in they don’t even put a quarter of an hour in!
    The one gentleman that apologized to the widow about what she’s going through he seems sincere, but I still put him on the side of a boot licker. It’s a CYA situation cover your ass equals CYA.
    This kind of behavior exhibit while across America, that is riddled with corruption every turn.
    I mean, if you’re a power-hungry piece of crap, bully, or you’re a wimpy piece of crap and you want to feel like a big shot sign up to be a cop either way you got mental issues right off the cuff and that’s the man they want or boy trying to be a man so if you got mental issues, sign up to be a cop, your ass will be covered.

  7. Yeah, then these cups need to be in general population you guys can ease his comfort by doing a fundraiser for soap on a rope for the cops. If they get put in general population and prosecuted like they should be especially for planting the gun as well

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