Subscribers Cut: Babe in the Desert Premiere; CA Does Not Suck!

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35 thoughts on “Subscribers Cut: Babe in the Desert Premiere; CA Does Not Suck!”

  1. The leadership in California sucks ut area wise its one of the best places in the world you can get go from beach to snow and then desert all in a few hours not many places like that

  2. You were at your friends house where there are no pigs to do what ever they wish, In the state of California the gang members are the police officers with gang tattoos and a gang member advance by being a gang member. The state laws suck the law enforcement sucks, the state government sucks, everyone is leaving that state because itโ€™s that bad. Go to Los Angeles and see all the gang members forcing their false laws there. The friends house is not out in the public where the coward pigs live to handcuff innocent people just like in world war II Germany. California does suck the friendโ€™s house with security does not until you are in public

  3. I think Jeff is great! Kudos to him for rising up out of poverty and sadness to making himself what he is today! I think a lot of us have untold stories that are better than any book or movie. And trolls are gonna be trollsโ€ฆโ€ฆsuch sad lives to live in.

  4. Damn. I just got back from Florida. Way down south Florida in Fort Pierce, about two hours south of Orlando. It was like heaven there! Wish I could share some videos I took, on here. Cali doesnโ€™t suck vacation wise but Iโ€™d hate to live there because I just love my guns and freedom too much. Looks like an awesome place to be!

  5. A DOCUMENTARY? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฒ I can't love, love, love this enough!! โค Maddie and I can't wait to see it! ๐Ÿ˜ She says to scream HELLO TO YOU And Jeff! ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ and that pool looks great!! ๐ŸŠโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐ŸŒž

  6. Everyone knows California is geographically beautiful but a shit hole to actually live in, thanks to the left. If youโ€™re rich and willing to pay your way through a system designed to take your money, more power to you.

  7. Hello Chille
    just goes to show that is policing for profit awesome video furthermore I would like to ask your permission to repost that video on my channel as I spoke to you on the phone before I will not post anything your material unless I get your permission once again awesome

  8. Iโ€™m a 68yr. old native Californian and CA does suck. Residents are bailing out left and rightโ€ฆI know many families that have. San Francisco is a shit hole because of the Liberal politics. I have many friends that HATE California. Thatโ€™s why people laugh and shit on California. Take a poll in chat sometime. Sorry Chille, just my opinion w/facts to back it.

  9. I think they're just talking about the politics of California because California is a very beautiful state. I've been there spent two weeks and I would love to go back. I wouldn't mind living there if it wasn't for the politics and politicians. Did some dirt bike riding in in the desert, did some dirt bike riding up in the mountains, found an old cabin with a big huge fireplace,thrre was snow on the mountain. Road my brother-in-law's 650 Kawasaki up and down the Coastal Highway into Laguna and San Diego and everything that was cool had a great time. Nothing like Perpetual palm trees and bikinis๐Ÿ˜Ž

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