SWAT Team Shot My Client in Bed | Update!

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47 thoughts on “SWAT Team Shot My Client in Bed | Update!”

  1. That's exactly what happened to me. The prosecutor named Rob Russell in Johnson County Missouri 2:51 said he throw my fucking ass down a staircase because I wasn't an attorney so I turned him in to the Missouri OCDC for threatening to do me bodily harm injuries or even death by throwing me down a staircase because I'm a disabled man and he came after me charging me with harassment of two female postal employees saying I'd shoot them with a gun. Funny thing is I never owned a gun in my life. So the first perjuries statements by these two female employees was able to be changed where I'd burn down the building with a book of matches. My lawyer was suspended named Eric Damon Roby during my trial and the Judge Brett Frederick Teichman or the Prosecutor Brianna Wagner didn't even tell me that my lawyer was suspended, so I never got a fair trial and this lawyer was disbarred because of my case and some other cases that he did. The judicial system is tyrannical now and I have not seen anything good for a long time that wasn't completely corrupt from our entire legal department and public servants.

  2. Based on police logic if a cop pulls a gun or even reaches for his weapon or a knife, hammer, phone or stick you have the right to use lethal force to defend yourself. Works for the police every single time. Wotks for the general public, never. Justice?

  3. Well in the movie Deliverance Burt Reynolds was like we can't go to the police they're all family in the small community they'll all cover each other's butts he sure knew what he was talking about

  4. So let me get this right there's two idiots that had nothing to do with it that were testifying against your client ? Wow that is crazy. The governing body that looks over those cops should really look into those two that were testifying against your client.

  5. Why aren't these cops that SIGNED THE COMPLAINT, THE LEGAL DOCUMENT PRESENTED TO THE COURTS being arrested and charged for lying on official court documents. The two IDIOTS COPS that showed up in court to testify for something that THEY WERE NOT A WITNESS TO, INFACT THEY WERE TOLD ABOUT THE INCIDENT BY ANOTHER OFFICER THAT WASN'T THERE EITHER. They swore in an official court document to an arrest warrant for which they should be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law. They are making a mockery of the court and the civil rights of the innocent they abuse.

  6. Surely presenting that document under oath as being a true statement of facts when he wasn't there must break some law , I don't think it is perjury which will be similar to the UK as ' knowingly telling lies in court ' but there must be something ?

  7. where's the bodycam footage of this search because you know they 100% had body cams on and you know that if their account of what happened was even remotely accurate then they would have been there themselves sharing this footage.

    I implore everyone to get a video doorbell and indoor camera's ideally with cloud storage like ring cameras so that footage can't be removed or deleted by LEO's.

  8. That is so illegal what they did obviously none of the SWAT or maybe it was the FBI where not willing to lie on the stand. It is impossible to say how rotten this conduct is, there seems to be no limit to the lying mindset of cops and leadership. They simply don't care for even a nano second about the public, they are not willing to change their methods and approaches that produce these outcomes. This is how they want to police the citizens, completely from an officer safety priority, they don't give a shxt that they are paid from public funds and their primary duty is public safety not this corrupt lie of officer safety.

  9. during the hearing to see if criminal charges can be pressed, what about defendents 6th amendment right to confront his accusers. The State, cant be the only accuser, the 6 men on the SWAT team who wrote the report are his accusers.

  10. The police always try to use the excuse that they announced their presence . Sorry, if I am asleep , I may hear a noise or voices, it doesn't mean I can comprehend what you are saying or realize that it's the police breaking into your house and not a criminal . There have been several instances where the police rush in , someone wakes up and grabs their gun to defend themselves and are immediately shot as the police are saying " put down your gun" . There needs to be some level of expectation of time to comply to a order from the police when they are entering someone's home unannounced . Does it put the lives of the officers in greater jeopardy ? Yes . But a homeowner should be able to expect a certain level of safety inside their own home .

  11. Qualified immunity need to become a federal law that has to be proven in court as necessary and the LEO is in the right. Americans are guilty until proven innocent in every case ever brought by the “law”. Law enforcement needs to be held to the same standard.

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