Talking in the Dark- Inside info for my Friends


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48 thoughts on “Talking in the Dark- Inside info for my Friends”

  1. Chille, you haven't caught on yet. Trolls: are the devils people. They are always against truth. They are a disabled state. Letting the bad guys out of jail. No bail. Defunding authority. Taking guns away from citizens. Promoting everything evil. Teaching children it's ok to be gay. Paying for sex change of 6yo kids. We live in a time bad is fighting for more bad. Kicking good out of everything.

  2. Cops do not work for the public they work for Satan's butthole "Government n Big Corporations".all for revenue and to fill up the jails n prisons again for revenue. Big money". In doing so they are allowed to rape take and murder anyone they choose. There's no such thing as a good cop.

  3. Hey man i know there have been some sorry people you've came across in your journey to bring change to the world. But I hope you consider me your friend. I have been watching your page for a while now and have a lot of respect for what you do.

  4. Daniel has 2 beast fighting…. Gabriel tells Daniel, 'the horn on the goat is the king of Greece'. This symbolic story was the story of Alexander the Great. Revelation is written in the same style as Daniel…. USA is going to fall….. The devil gets thrown in jail for a 1000 years in 2040….. Armageddon 2040….

  5. Good luck man I agree with you and to all the haters of change this tarranty abuse of power has been going on just like he said for decades when I was a little boy I'm going to put it like this a man I looked up to he was abused because he said something authority didn't like pushed a table in his stomach. So don't comment back I won't read it to the haters that don't want change. But yes it's been going on For Decades my wife said honey there are some good officers out there Right I said but it's rotten at the CORE. What takes 6 months of police academy. Guess what it takes 2 years to become a cosmetologist.

  6. I think you shd just forget about that shit town called Iron Town OH. Those are the most corrupt pig 🐖cops I've see my life. They want to kill someone. You can't fix the whole country Chille! You rule, you are strong mentally and very physically 💪. The dirty cops I've seen on audits shd be sniped! Wdnt you think the cops wd watch some of these audit vids? You wd think cops who were sued wd say hey its OK and read the constitution? But no, every where we go are more thugs waiting to shoe power!

  7. Much respect Brother ! As everyone has different lives to live , I have read and studied the bible extensively , it changed my life forever , having started as a Christian , a comprehensive study of the bible made me an atheist . No matter our individual world views , truth and freedom is the divine driving force of all life . You are appreciated Brother !!!

  8. Dude I would go. It would save money. You might not goto jail, if you don't go any license plate reader in any state(if your car is in your name) will flash arrest warrant. (Look at carolina in ft worth recent arrest)

  9. Everything you have spoken in this video Chili is true! You Sir are on a dangerous path of greatness! But you have the intelligence and will to make that change. A change that is so desperately needed. And quite frankly, you’re my hero! The more I watch your videos and the more I listen to you speak, I am convinced you have found your life’s calling! This is bigger than all of us. But I’m confident you’re the one that’s gonna make change happen! Thank you Chili! I believe in you. AND DON’T STOP!

  10. I know what Chille is saying and I know it's true! There really is NO justice in America and the Public Pretenders work with the Prosecutors to get you locked up. My husband has been in prison for Manslaughter since October 19, 2018 and we are still waiting for the Oregon Court of Appeals. My husband is a great man and an even better father! My husband is innocent and I have the evidence to prove it!

  11. Chile!
    Sometimes, a Man or a Woman gots to have a "civilized conversation" with Thier Ego. Tells it, "Youse don' gott to handle Everthang no more. I — the 'thinking part o' Me — GOT this. Youse does Yer bes', Ego, yet ne'ertheless, Yez invariably makes a shambles out o' things. Thanks for Your 'support' in the past. I'll take over from now on."
    One's Ego Will "breathe a sigh o' relief"…; "Finally! SomeBuddy wit some SENSE is takin' charge o' shit, an' I won' have to, all the damn time."
    Rick Bonner Pennsyltucky

  12. Keep up the good work. Im a recent subscriber. There is a good movement going. Thid Administration State has got to go. There is a COS movement going strong. Convention of States. First time in our History it can happen. 19 States and going. We need, I think 15 more to stop that fascist federal government. Those Indoctrinated Children, elected and Unelected need yo learn. Power of THE People.

  13. 1:16:37 mark


    I love it! Any chance of a T-shirt?

    Great work Chilli!!

    I sincerely appreciate your service to this country.

    I appreciate your educational rants, #BobbyLaw conversations, and i believe youve exposed just the tip of the 'ironton mafia'

    So then you become famous, lets say .. household name.. then the pigs will know your face. -theyll act different (you know)??? Theyll be very familiar with Chilli Vs Ironton ect.. ((you need a few more guys investigating other areas ??))

    Until then, we still need to see if Law exists or just tyranny..

    You ARE making a difference friend, to many people now but many more in the future!!


  14. Your situation is a one of a kind you have embarrassed this town they were exposed for the criminals they are and when u talked about the pipeline of money through rehabs you nailed it and land banks corruption. Some may call you a coward but you have proven you are the most feared man in Ohio. Transparency is so simple yet so feared.

  15. There is only one True liveing god hes name is Jesus he died for me and your sins and everyone else’s sins in the World 🌎 he will show you who he is get on your knees and cry out to him and he will lead you and guide you through everything Jesus name people The rest is false prophets witchcraft keep fighting the good fight I’ve been through everything that life can possibly throw at you and made it through hell and back thanks 🙏🏻 to Jesus

  16. Use to live at Lake of the Ozarks. Highway patrol dirty, corrupt, and cover up. Brandon Ellingson family was a victim of a murder that never got real justice. Piercy a true POS!

  17. as much as i want to see you achieve great forms of justice and liberation for the masses, i very much doubt that it's possible for someone like you to become a state governor. it seems to me that you're genuine. and it seems to me that the office of state governor, is too advantageous of a position, for it to not be so jealously protected by secret collaborators, that any genuine seeker of great good would sooner be assassinated than successful. i hope you don't underestimate your opponents at that level.

  18. Such an oath puts you in subjection and within their jurisdiction. Do not stand under any corrupt command. We do not understand their authority, rather we stand upon truth as equals and shall not be under the evils of corrupt men.

  19. Your truth is your truth, only a liar needs to swear to tell the truth, and as such their testimony has no standing when the fraud is revealed, so a man of integrity dishonors himself to consider the need to swear to tell the truth and such a request is an jnsult.

  20. I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’; anything beyond these is of evil.

  21. Stay clear of the pitfalls and traps set to snare you to be devoured.

    Listen to the words of truth that guide you and keep you from harm…

    You know this to be true within you, yet a random reminder may bring comfort and keep your heart tuned and in key for clarity of receiving the gifts of knowledge.

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