42 thoughts on “Terrible Cop Locks This Man Up #shorts”

  1. You know its real fucked up this dirty cop is 9times out of ten still employed as a cop who is clearly a p.o.s. of the highest quality he harasses this dude he tried on many occasions to get away from this cop but it didn't work as soon as the cop saw this young black guy he knew he was going to arrest this young man dude tried walking around even going out of his way to get away from this pig when he didnt fall for the banana in the tailpipe the cop got pissed you can see it on his face when the young guy turned around and he decided he was not going to go out of his way to get home but this racist ass p.o.s. of a cop had that look in his eyes that told you if he even put his hands in his pocket he was going to shoot him now we all know if a civilian would do that to another person the said person would have a complaint lodged against him put since this asshole has a gun and badge he feel he can do just about anything he wanted cause he is a cop we know he will get away with it being a white cop harassing a young black man in a neighborhood with like 80/95% thats cool flashing his light into his eyes he apart of the group of bad cops that get away with doing shit like that and more but hey every police officer should have to talk to a psychiatrist ever for to five years we all know doing that kind of work it will change you always seeing the worst of the worst humans on the planet

  2. I hope everyone lives in a town that this happened calls the police chief, the mayor of the town, the Attorney General of the state, the mayor of the state if necessary and I have this mentally unstable POS cop removed from his position take his law enforcement certification away from him and put his crazy ass in jail

  3. Please tell me that the lawsuit was soooooo big that this young man was asked to sign a nondisclosure agreement and this officer is now the town janitor at the local elementary school

  4. Police in America were initially created as Slave Patrols to apprehend & return runaway slaves back to the enslavers.

    Cop: “Boy you don’t live down here”.

    They disregard humanity and basic civil rights because it was policy and LAWFUL until 1965. But as we see on these videos the practice and mindset still continues, policing people who LOOK like they don’t belong in a particular area.

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