The #ShawnAntonio Story: Arrested, Tried & Convicted for SUSPICION = Terry Vs Ohio

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Shawn is a Good man who I’ve personally known since 1999. He’s a wonderful human being. When you hear his story—it all ties to Terry Vs. Ohio.

Terry v. Ohio (1968) is the Case Precedent for Sitz v. Michigan State Pollice (1990). Sitz is what ALLOWS DUI Checkpoints, Drivers License Checkpoints, etc.. Once the Police get “A Case” that they can “Invent or Create a policy” around — it’s bad for me and you. Listen to this man’s story. Get ready– this is SHOCKING

IF YOU DONT TEST or DO TEST — It doesn’t matter. This man is arrested on Suspicion and then tried with no evidence against him. How this ends is nothing less than a tragedy.


38 thoughts on “The #ShawnAntonio Story: Arrested, Tried & Convicted for SUSPICION = Terry Vs Ohio”

  1. Bills of Attainder. The definitions that exist in the law, the U.S.C. ( United States Code) are statements or precedents which are confusing, incomplete, and do not reflect all the rights the mandates were meant to insure. They come from single unrelated cases. They may have even served to detract from the rights the mandates were meant preserve because they only reflect portions of what a bill of attainder actually is. U.S. v. Brown (1965), U.S. v. Lovett (1946) , and re: Yung See Hee (1888) all qualify the doctrine of pains and penalties as punishment without trial, and inclusive as a bill of attainder. The only statement in the U.S.C. that reflects most of the original intention of the mandates is from Cummings v. Missouri (1867). It states, "A bill of attainder, is a legislative act which inflicts punishment without judicial trial and includes any legislative act which takes away the life, liberty or property of a particular named or easily ascertainable person or group of persons because the legislature thinks them guilty of conduct which deserves punishment."
    The preservation of a group or individual's protection of life liberty and property have fallen by the wayside in American law. Any prosecutor that waves the case, Calero-Toledo in front a judge takes any property he wants, and in some cases without a trial. It has also been ruled in U.S. v Ursery, that it is not a violation of the Double Jeopardy Clause to pursue both criminal and civil punishment in cases arising from the same offense. Further, the Court has allowed the confiscation of property from "innocent owners" without due process.* So much for "any" legislative act, so much for "any" protection at all from the bill of attainder mandates. No matter what relevance the mandates had in our past without the protection from bills of attainder in our law we have been robbed of the civil rights the Constitution was meant to preserve.

  2. Cops , are total evil ๐Ÿ˜ˆ, they have mental defects, they don t deserve any respect. They really think they are above the laws. Trash humans become ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿท๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ–

  3. Awesome Shawn glad you got justice I'm about to get justice on my case chille my attrny filed 3 motions all the ones I told him almost a yr ago to file he just served the court I got the email confirmation and we have a court hearing on may 4th I will email you but I have a good feeling this will be done then I can file civil suits on close 20 people I'm going as high as I can in legislation as per the civil rights act of 1866 and hold them accountable keep you posted on how it goes this is the 1st time im able to show my evidence since this started almost 3 yrs ago I'm taking all their badges of the tyrants involved im framing them and hanging them on my wall titled corrupt cops I've held accountable keep up the good work I'm educating everyone I can now so we can end this cause we never stop ……

  4. Can you imagine how much money it would cost them if they repealed Terry vs. Ohio ? Not just the states, but lawyers and insurance companies too ? They will never do it. They would rather have a civil war, because their economies would collapse, rich people would have to pay their share of taxes plus some, it will never happen. I feel sure that they will never get rid of Terry, or qualified immunity, or anything else that saves them money or makes them money, as long as the government has any power at all. Not just because of the SCOTUS, which surly would not do it , not now or in my lifetime , but I don't know of any examples where a government (not just the US) has ever taken any power away from its self. This SCOTUS gave us citizens united. Not to mention SCOTUS does not have any enforcement ability. I actually heard a judge from TN talk on NPR one day, I was amazed when I heard him say out loud on a public radio that "he didn't care what the supreme court said, he was going to continue to lock people up for not having enough money". I though that was mighty bold to thumb your nose at the highest court in the land, especially being a sitting judge. But he didn't care, he doesn't have to care, qualified immunity. He will do what he wants till he is either impeached, extremely difficult to do, or he is voted out, in either case he will go back to robbing citizens personally as a lawyer. Every democracy has suffered basically the same fate. Not long before the Roman empire fell, they say the citizens would run from the sight of a guard, soldier, or official, because they were known to openly rob the citizens, take what ever they wanted. I wish Terry would be overturned, your right, it should be. Hard to imagine how it could be done, in my wildest dreams, I don't have a clue how it could be possible, or how we could make conditions that could make it possible.

  5. 17:50. the breathalyzer is not at all accurate even if you "recalibrate the machine" it's been proven time and time again to be 100% unreliable it does not work at all like they claim it does and if they do not recalibrate the machine they are really in trouble and they have to have a guy that is trained recalibrate it each time and he has to sign off on it…. there are lots of people suing different court systems and different government agencies right now and suing the German company and people that hold the patents, all the proprietary information ,all the formulas that allegedly make a breathalyzer machine function and determine whether or not someone is over the limit….. because they were ordered by a court many times to turn over the formula and how it works and how it works in that machine and they absolutely refused even if the information was under armed guard and did not leave the premises they still refused their documentaries out there on this I believe that phony news agency Dateline even did a pretty good reporting on this … the government nor the Germans want anybody to have any information on this are they all stand to lose a large Revenue system the Germans get paid off of this formula every DWI and so does the government you think they're going to let a cash cow just fly away over a simple thing like your rights or the Constitution
    they know it's about to be proven to be 100% poo poo it's a lie the machine and the formula have never worked right ever even if you calibrate supposedly properly
    The breathalyzer is not an accurate device to test whether or not people are intoxicated imagine what's going to happen when that is revealed how are they going to lie and say you're drunk the only way at that point will be a blood test…..
    Anyways they're all freaking out cuz they don't want this to come out so if you know anybody who has gotten a driving-under-the-influence or anything of the sort or is in a court case over one look up this information it's not hard to find just start googling are DWIs accurate the origin of the blood alcohol machine coming from Germany cuz that's the only place you can get them just start Googling stuff I mentioned hopefully it helps somebody…
    And for goodness sakes do not ever take a breathalyzer ever I wouldn't recommend a drunk man to do that it's going to be a false reading anyways

  6. That man is inspirational. What is Shawn doing or plan to do to change that system doing! Forgiving the Cops he did for himself. Let go of his anger. A food thing. But Don't Forget HOW EASY that was done to him.
    Someone is the Exact same situation w/o the money & support that he had… if he was in the depths of despair, how is someone with less possibilities going to cope?

    I'm glad he's doing well. This interview is a good thing. Get it Documented. Everything he went thru and testimonials from everyone that was effected. The phone calls & outrageous fees. Visiting Day, Mail. FOOD. Commissary. All of it. Contraband. Reform. Parole. Restrictions. Expunging his Record, All of It.

  7. WOW…..the sad thing is that most cops don't actually know the law or how to properly do the field sobriety tests…….(take a look at the DUI guy you tube videos to see him defend in court). Cops are promoted on the number of cases they arrest people for. Doesn't matter if you are guilty or not…..and sadly nothing ever happens to cops who falsely arrest people….and they refuse to let you take your medications… the incompetence of most cops never ceases to amaze me…..not surprising that the cops video cams disappeared……please sue these clowns…..qualified immunity has to go….another guy assumed guilty because of being black….sadly the prosecutors depend on people not wanting to go to trial knowing that they don't have the financial resources to defend themselves………

  8. What Chili is exposing, is the depressing fact, that humanity is full of arrogant, amoral, sociopathic narcissists who gravitate to positions of authority, resulting in the filling of our prisons, with people who would have fit effectively into society, if just left alone long enough to figure it all out !๐Ÿคจ

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