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So what he is not incharge of you at all .!'
I hope you see my positive reach out to you my brother.
You seem like you are a man of God if that the case talk to God about this corruption in Ironton and ask for victory. But here the kicker God already know what going on with these type of people's of law
OMG! You're getting more and more pathetic by the minute… Lowlife
Chille, how many times must you be told that all legal documents and motions have to have a signature that is the original signature not an e signature. It also requires it notarized by a notary public with a raised seal. Otherwise it will not be accepted as a legitimate motion and it won’t be accepted. So if you fail to show up for your pre trial hearing your bond will be revoked and a bench warrant will be issued. The stamp on their motion to revoke was on May 11. You had 3 days to respond from that date. Give the authorities your updated current address since you haven’t been in CA for several months. Then you wouldn’t be keeping yourself in trouble with the law. JS
Good for you man! I’m love the energy. Gettin it… keep it up.
What part of Alaska you from? I lived in Ketchikan for a long time.
Boundaries of the Law? These cops today don't follow law! WTF. While we beg each other not defend ourselves and life liberty.
bond conditions are unconstitutional and only implemented in a time when we didn't have cameras. we need to protest until this is stopped as it should be
The judge should have to refuse himself due to the investigation he knows you are doing. He is commiting judicial misconduct. File with the agency over the judges.
Ironton has to silence you by putting up crazy allegations against you
What the heck does a gang off cops need a protective order for? They must not be not qualified to protect if they need protection. They are the ones with radios, drones, body armor, helicopters, unlimited weapons, they are an actual military.
Dirty Waldo is a dumpster fire!
The dancing-kicking cop was happy cuz they could plant the gun successfully
Jose isn't as common in Ohio, as in Hollywierd
when cops get away with deleting portions of their body cams, covering their body cams, it all shows lack of transparency and criminal behavior in a police department. why didn't the BCI do what you did. it's because of their criminal behavior to protect corrupt cops.
What kinda stuff is this?? Never heard of such bs!!! Oh Waldo!!! How petty! Shame on you!! I'm praying for you Chille!! Keep your head up!!
We don't stop!! 
Where's Waldo?
found him. Turns out; he is a sick
F**king corrupt Judge.
Police officers in America have been pumped full of more bullshit than a manure spreader and because of their trust, public school conditioning and training, they haven’t the ability to see what is going on! Many have been conditioned by previous military service, not to think for themselves but just follow orders, which makes many of them as dangerous as a Terrorist! Now ask yourself; who are the real Terrorists in America?
Guess what; “the Constitution isn’t for the Police either” and still they are forced to swear an oath to defend it!” The more regulations, statutes and codes created, and the greater the number of regulatory officers and agencies created to enforce them; the greater the Masters control over their Slaves and that is mind control by force and threat of force, by the very people we rely on, to protect and serve!
At some point in history the foreign Agents in control of our Federal Government, decided that they needed to create Federal Police Agencies to protect them! I can’t blame them! If I was a part of a conspiracy that could result in the American people hanging me for Treason, I’d want bodyguards too! Now, if you are one of these public officials; how do you justify the employment and expense of bodyguards, when nobody is trying to injure you, and you don’t want anyone to know that you are committing Treason? Instead of confessing your motives; you must find a way to accomplish your objective and blame it on someone else!
Yo, you good chilli? It’s been 5 hours since last video.
There's some wild stuff going over in Paintsville Kentucky a crooked mirror and a crooked Sheriff
Wanting other people to rule you (government) is a mental illness and stockholm syndrome.
Wanting to be completely free from the rule of others is rational and sane.
Government is slavery and needs to be completely abolished so people can be free.
Government is chaos.
Freedom is spontaneous order.
the cops and judges think you are an evil person because you want to stop the injustice and evil they are doing … but you are doing good .. much love and peace and wellness
You know
, I only watch commercials for the ones I really like
I think Ironton is taking with Young town and they came up with this to put him in jail and get him out of there and slow him down on James case .
Ironton has a judge dirt enough to do it .
Way are they just coming up this now on him .
Go get this dirty people .stay safe
How many lawsuits did you File that are still active
Good work
Chelito please keep doing what your doing…I have seen some of these idiots kicking your back in…screw them…I admire the hell out of you! And there's alot of people that feel the same…you vidio so much if what you do…it only proves that you are transparent…if you were a lying piece of shit you wouldn't be able to vidio all that you do..what I see is that you speak truth to the best of your ability…your human and all humans are imperfect…your doing great brother…thanks for doing what you do..
bruh no offense but that haircut is why they invented hats
1. Chads edit 1:00 in Yes I seen it
2.Ironton, Ohio
Waldo needs to be Recused!!! there is something that you can file to recuse him
To change the world takes one step but it’s the hardest step of all
About 39:00, I've watched some of the riders "haters" ch's like blue Bacon, and something moon and you are rite, there just riding your shirt-tail to benefit there stupid selfish selfs. They'll never be as important as you
Hey brother! God bless you good sir! Sending love from Chattanooga Tennessee
This is so solid of you to do this..
I’ve been praying for someone like you Chili for decades !
They probably use stingrays, follow where ever you go by your phone, intercept signal and relay it without anyone knowing it mimics a legit cell tower. Another good reason for req polygraph test, if they can use old spy equip, they should be req to be screened, every one of them, regularly. Think how that would change things, potentially the whole justice sys, if they had to pass a polygraph regularly. Soldiers with sec clearances do, FBI, TSA, there are many examples. Once a month, ask them did you lie on any report this month, no- ok, go back to work. yes – stay right there, we have more questions to ask you, I guess you know you are terminated. I found a map one time of the police depts. that they were giving to, for the life of me I cant remember where I saw it but I am sure it was public source. Of course most of them are on aircraft, and wheeled vehicles, so they could be anywhere. They are small enough to put in the trunk of a car. I made a mental note that there are two were listed, within 30 mi of me, I remember that. And they can track thousands, not hundreds of phones at the same time.
They weren't much for transparency? Imagine that?
*Have you had your vehicle swept for trackers? Just sayin'!saying!
**Where is the second gun TTM (Tommy The Murderer) shot with his left hand?
Once our dams are drained be prepared for rolling blackouts and crime increase. Its the hidden KABooM in LA Chilie, Lake Powell. Get out of L.A. they are doing it on purpose by shutting down coal and natural gas causing to use more water in our revisors. People better get ready.
@Delete Lawz You should read this book : Resistance to Tyranny By Joseph P. Martino
A bail revoked can only be issued if you are not complying with release conditions or failure to appear .. Which neither is the case..
Justice will win!!