Thin Red Line #shorts

Ryan Ohio Protests:


50 thoughts on “Thin Red Line #shorts”

  1. Really I’m sure these guys just picked up a fucked up person who may have died and have to deal with that on a daily they see just like the cops the worst part of humanity and mankind on a daily basis. More bad than good I’m sure. And we’re like why would you film us hosing off somebody’s blood like u have nothing better to do I’m so sick of all these people jamming up great men and women in those departments and trying to get them to break don’t get me wrong I know there’s bad men and women in every single profession in this world on this planet I get that but I like to think that there’s more good people in this world then there are bad imagine if that was your loved one that just lost their life and these men and women couldn’t save them and they tried, but they couldn’t save your loved one, and here’s this dude filming them hosing off your loved ones blood off the fucking sidewalk do you think that was appropriate or would you be like Why the fuck are you filming that?

  2. I don't know who these people are our FATHER in heaven was flogged and crucified for less I know Jesus had to do that just trying to make a point more people need to believe before its to late you have racism both black and white and yellow I don't get it

  3. That guy needs to be fired along with everyone else at the seen. He assaults an innocent bystander and not one of the other firemen or police do anything about it. They should all be charged with assault and battery while armed with a firearm. Failure to secure a crime scene. And gang activity loitering and trespassing

  4. Wow as I read all these comments ppl have left on here all I can think is 😲 wow I didn't realize that Karen's have bred so rapidly that they now over populating the plant

  5. It's jus water it wasn't even high pressured water it did not look the individual was harmed. Man ppl need to stop being such self untitled whinny jerks. So he got sprinkled omg the worlds now gonna come to an end. I have an idea how about this just let ppl do there jobs without having some jerk being intrusive or harassing other ppl he didn't need to get so close while these ppl are performing their work duties. That's why they make features called ZOOMING on recording devices now duh. And if they need tape to tell them which paths in life he should of steer around or clear of instead of using what apparently become a rare quality these days called COMMON SENSE. Well seems to me that this persons gonna have a rough time in life on many occasions. So stop whining let ppl do their jobs in peace don't tell ppl how to do their job don't belittle and abuse ppl trying to just do their job and jus stay out of there way while ppl are getting their work done. Not all jobs in life are full of sunshine and rainbows so why add more unpleasant moments to their work. If the rolls had been reversed we all know no that this is jus another Karen behavior and this guy would have been freaking out bout someone getting in his way as he CLEANED UP A CRIME SCENE those works alone means it most likely wasn't a pleasant task he was instructed to do to begin with. Ppl need to grow up

  6. Administrative leave for a bit of water?! But not for paralyzing a man by throwing him to the ground? Or planting evidence? Or the guys who took the man to jail in the van with out a seatbelt!? Wtf. Im so glad I didn't have kids to raise in this fucked up world.

  7. Everyone please πŸ›‘ if a regular citizen was to do this to a judge legislator police officer or fire fighter they would consider this to be an assault because of the power of the fire hose

  8. Remember this incident for a time when things really go to crap, who will the police protect & serve, & who gets the fire hose turned on them, when one American citizen's Civil Rights are violated, the Civil Rights of All citizens are violated.

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