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Looks like Big Dan is some jealous.
hard to walk away like that. sure there is a similar comment below but I'm too lazy to seek it out.
Dude wouldn't even last for 1- 3 minute round in an MMA fight. I'm guessing he wouldn't last 1 minute before he's knocked out and crying cause you beat him so fast!! LMAO
Beta male move Chilly
My money is on Dan.
He will kick your woman talking ass chilly , he will knock the only good tooth you have out
Too funny
ButterBean became a LEGEND, so this bud has a chance too
What up delete lawz..! Great
job this why I want to buy a couple of crown vics or explorer and do this audits vidoes and do citizens watch /neighbors hood watch loke the old dog Neiborhood watch development back in the day .. we need to bring it back but also do these videos let's go than after 2 cars well get 2 more then ect… till we have a fleet and volunteers force and train them who want to help and get involved until we change the police culture and policies… ! Let's go me and you delete laws ! Then yiu can do ride alongs …
That is definitely one strange bird. That’s the type of dude that pulls off some. Columbine shit
Get ‘em Chilli !!
Paradise is pretty
This dude is a straight up stalker
That guy turned into a bitch real fast.
I know a wrestler when I see one.
This is a epic video
What a joke
He eats a lot of cheese
steakpizza hogies
Great job as usual I was a wrestler I appreciate your talent remember stay humble and live God's Law not mans law
Chille, you put the fear of the Lord in him.
16:56 it was at this moment, he knew he fucked up……
Hes got crazy eyes…. SSRI's perhaps?
Dan needs some form of boot camp.
Chille is a street fighter.