Tyrant Cop Sued – Stripped Of Qualified Immunity!

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44 thoughts on “Tyrant Cop Sued – Stripped Of Qualified Immunity!”

  1. Bangor Maine PD recently arrested my african american neighbor and took him to jail for jaywalking. i honestly believe it is because he is black in a 90% white community…that's america for you in 2023. i was also arrested by the same PD for OUI after a car accident because the cop purposely did the Field Sobriety Tests wrong and it took 90 days for lab work to establish i was not drunk or on drugs during the accident…

  2. I spent 3 days in Colorado Springs about 20 years ago.
    I noticed two things about it.
    You can't get anything to eat after about 8 or 9 pm. All the fastfood places are closed.
    And nobody in Colorado Springs has a nice behind. All flat. Sit outside a Walmart and count. You will come up with zero.

  3. General curiosity if you suspect cop of wanting to attack you, could you surrender but request to do it with a different cop. Can it be done and would it change how the law protects you when you express intent to surrender? hoping someone notices and responds

  4. I honestly believe that cops deal with empty threats of getting sued every day. What they need to be asking themselves every time they make contact with a member of the public should be: Number 1) I should be doing the job that I am getting paid to do.
    The violation of rights shouldnā€™t be anything that crosses their minds, but if so, is this gonna be that guy who is not making any empty threats?
    He claims to put him in handcuffs because heā€™s tensing up? Well, was he tensing up when he got out of the car and told him to put his hands behind his back? His narrative of the incident is clearly self serving ego. When a member of the public flips off another member of the public, we donā€™t have the authority to assault them.
    I guarantee that this cop has a ā€œI showed himā€ attitude and it probably made his day/night. I would guarantee that he told the story ā€œA guy flipped me off and then when he crossed the street, I cuffed him up and sighted him for j walking.ā€
    I would like us all to pray that God would pour out his wrath on all members of a department when a member of their department lies under the color of law, violates their oath of office, violates the Constitution. Maybe if the officers were going to face consequences for their fellow officers criminal behavior, maybe they wouldnā€™t be bending over backwards to figure out how to justify the blue line of silence and solidarity.

  5. Assaulting, handcuffing and illegally detaining a citizen for legally crossing a street is a clear indication that there are too many misfit unqualified cops trying to justify their existence. Far too many thugs with badges. Reduce numbers by 50%.

  6. Poke the bear win stupid prizes. Sure, you have first amendment right to flip of a cop. Just dont cry when he gets triggered and puts you in handcuffs. Doubt the dumbass in the video would be calm if someone flipped him off.

  7. Typically, unless you're within approximately 50 to 100 ft of a crosswalk, you're not jaywalking by crossing the street so by stopping this guy alone and attempting to do anything after he flipped them off is clearly retalitory

  8. Don't know why cops get all personal about getting flipped off. Yeah, it's supposed to be an insult, but it's also a protected action under freedom of of expression. No need to get worked up about it. It's not like they removed the finger, threw it at him and hit him in the eye. Going after them is a total waste of time and energy, and it's an action that you will forget about in five minutes

  9. $37k for the Middle Finger. Hey Citizensā€¦. was it worth it?

    Are you okay with your employed Officers to arrest and abuse citizens, because a citizen flipped off the officer?

    How many times are you willing to pay off abused citizens for their use of the Middle Finger?

  10. They love to make excuses for their loss of controlā€¦
    This is exactly what happens when a cop decides to make a charge, because heā€™s upset about getting told heā€™s ā€œnumber oneā€, lolā€¦

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