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Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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UK police are an absolute dream compared.
They probably still bark commands for him to put his hands up after he's dead and still handcuffed his body
What do people expect when the police hire ex-terrorists (military) to do the job. They've terrorized everyone overseas so when they come home they just keep terrorizing everybody. Brainwashed idiots.
If its not yours dont touch it, he got what he chose.
It's odd to love your videos while simultaneously being so disgusted 90% of the time. So horrific! Needs the be shown!!! Tytyty!
This channel makes me angry. I hate seeing these videos but so long as this continues I will continue to support this channel as much as I can!
Evil monsters
Go straight to jail do not pass GO do not collect $200 nor a leave with pay!
I support my men n women in blue, but does that mean i trust u? No it doesn't until i see a professional conduct.
Stop the self censoring! The word is Kills! Un alives is not a word!!
An eye for an eye , cops will soon find out what that means
What if there was kids playing outside what if there was an old couple sitting on their porch they chose their lives that aren't even in danger over every breathing person everywhere
They are taught clearly to empty the clip
Lefty cops
Should have stopped.
Love how they always call for a medic after they murder
What a pig
"Back up, its for my safety"… as you walk closer to give the unlawful command. If you didnt learn from covid that these pigs will enforce anything except laws…..
It's like they were asking or even looking for that type of reaction.
to plan shitout.
It's like they have all the time in the world
The dude was taking nap.
And we're supposed to feel comfortable around them come on man who are they kidding
That child was scared
Fuck the police
Okay, kinda losing me with this one. If you try to steal my car, it could very likely be a death sentence.
That is murder. Plain and simple.
People think this is OK?.
why did the cop even get into the back of the car
You sneak up on someone sleeping in a car, and startle him knowing that carjacking is a thing. How do you expect someone to react when you do that?. Multiple people could've gotten injured including yourself.
im not going to sympathetic to thieves nor police.
United States of America??? C’mon man call it what it is.
Nazi America
Why was that criminal in a stolen car?? Why didn't that criminal stop??
need more then a 10 sec clip for this one I think.
Concordo com muitos dos seus vídeos, mas o cara era um ladrão, então humanizar o ladrão e desumanizar as vitimas do ladrão não é o caminho.
Your saying you judgement in that moment would of veen qny better. Lol calling this man a pig disgusting for q free for his. Being scared like humqn. There is ruthless cops but this guy cant be clamed one because of yh3se actions
You run from the police, you get what you deserve. Fk you Jose assclown
The cops name ?
I agree that shouldn’t have been the end all and go to option but on the other hand if I caught the guy in process of stealing my car I would have sent something.
Law enforcement officers receive an excessive amount of protection, as evidenced by numerous videos I have witnessed where a police officer stands beside a vehicle, the driver speeds off, and the officer shoots the driver without facing any interrogation regarding their choice, emphasizing the excessive level of protection afforded to cops.
What do we do about this
Fuck around and find out dot steal from people
I don’t feel sorry for anyone car jacking, selling drugs or anything else but yes some he did go too far and the cop could have gotten someone else hurt by killing this man and loosing control of the vehicle, this is a crazy situation!!
Guess you shouldn't run from the cops
How can I get in touch with you? The Arizona cops killed my younger brother and I can’t find any information out. I need help.