You can thank the Demonkkkratic party for this. They want everyone "except them" to be unarmed and unable to defend themselves. If a man approached a cop like this they'd shoot him.
Is this one of those aholes that intentionally film people to try to get a response from them for their youtube channel? If so, good, I hope he gets fined.
Your videos are like the video of the Rodney King beating… conveniently start recording when the cops are beating his azz and not the beginning where RK is throwing fists, kicking and spitting on the cops
So you harass normal people going about their everyday lives, just for click bait and to satisfy your little ego, but yet you’re butt hurt and cry like a baby when they take a stance and harass you. Oh, the irony! 😂
He SHOULD be aquitted and the cops should be sued for false arrest and imprisonment. Should being the operative word. If this happened in Cali or Colorado its anyone's guess what happens.
The fruit loop was in his space and could have had a knife. He was way too close. That's killing range for a knife fighter. And that is common tactic of knife wielding criminals. He had just cause to fear for his life. He would have been justified in killing this guy after he repeatedly closed distance and was told to stop. At least in a sane world.
This guy is also one of those frauditor idiots who goes beyond auditing the police and government buildings, but acting like a weirdo anywhere he thinks he can get a reaction for more views. There's no good guys in cases like this; both of them are toddlers.
Reminds me of how I was unlawfully prosecuted for a domestic violence charge. Without any evidence shown or even a hearing. So just be warned Lexington Kentucky has bad court systems too
Full Video:
😂😂 mace his ace!!
You're not "fleeing" anything. You don't owe anyone anything but their personal space. If you violate it you face the consequences
It was self defense. That man was detaining him against his will. Our court system is so messed up.
Bad cops need to be punished, charged and fired
You can thank the Demonkkkratic party for this. They want everyone "except them" to be unarmed and unable to defend themselves. If a man approached a cop like this they'd shoot him.
That was self defence.
Guilty until proven innocent 😎
Is this one of those aholes that intentionally film people to try to get a response from them for their youtube channel? If so, good, I hope he gets fined.
If that guy had any brain's he would have just left.
Hill jack!!!
It WAS SELF DEFENCE ! Stupid cops don't know the god damn Law as usual.
Whaaaat!? This could happen to anyone for self defense even with film!!
Your videos are like the video of the Rodney King beating… conveniently start recording when the cops are beating his azz and not the beginning where RK is throwing fists, kicking and spitting on the cops
Auditors need to work in pairs. You always need someone from the outside to keep an eye out
Is it a stand your ground state?
That was an excellent judgment.
Kudos to the police officers and the judge.
..why do this?
So you harass normal people going about their everyday lives, just for click bait and to satisfy your little ego, but yet you’re butt hurt and cry like a baby when they take a stance and harass you. Oh, the irony! 😂
Don't let them get that close to begin with. Spray the hot sauce immediately when aggressively approached.
He SHOULD be aquitted and the cops should be sued for false arrest and imprisonment. Should being the operative word. If this happened in Cali or Colorado its anyone's guess what happens.
The fruit loop was in his space and could have had a knife. He was way too close. That's killing range for a knife fighter. And that is common tactic of knife wielding criminals. He had just cause to fear for his life. He would have been justified in killing this guy after he repeatedly closed distance and was told to stop. At least in a sane world.
The guy was in his face stand-your-ground
I love how these cowards get in your personal space and pull cameras out then call cops on you like little bi☆☆es
This guy is also one of those frauditor idiots who goes beyond auditing the police and government buildings, but acting like a weirdo anywhere he thinks he can get a reaction for more views. There's no good guys in cases like this; both of them are toddlers.
This is EXACTLY what the Democratic party wants. Unarmed , and unable to protect yourself.
Clearly self-defense. Any jury will agree.
File a case. Collect
Always run. Never stay. Cops are not your friend
you should have just knocked that tard on the ground, you have done a lot less time.
This seems like self defense to me.
Guilty for sticking your camera in everyone's biz
California is a shit hole. Move to Texas or Florida. There, this would have been justified.
So suplex someone like this onto their head when they get in arms reach, because my arms reach is MY space. Got it.
Is mace actually "tear gas"? Would pepper spray be allowed under that statute? Inquiring minds want to know.
Menacing and intimidation is a crime unless your dad/brother is on the force then these inbreeds have free rein! #CopsAreTerrorists #EndQualifiedImmunity🖕💩🐖
Reminds me of how I was unlawfully prosecuted for a domestic violence charge. Without any evidence shown or even a hearing. So just be warned Lexington Kentucky has bad court systems too
"or what" and thats when i would throw a mean right hook
Don't f with the camera man
That's why you need to just mace these autistic "aUdItOrS" first without even saying anything.
Keep a small sack of poo with you at all times, when people get close like this, well give them some fertilizer
Should of left
woow so he uses it in self defense and gets arrested? Criminals in Badges