USE OF FORCE; Graham v Connor; “Objective Reasonableness” of the Reasonable Officer, on the Scene

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44 thoughts on “USE OF FORCE; Graham v Connor; “Objective Reasonableness” of the Reasonable Officer, on the Scene”

  1. This pisses me off!!! I have a history of fighting with police because of there lack of keeping their hands to themselves. And I will continue to do so. Jail is not a deturant for me. I'm a grown fuckin man. I don't give a fuck who you think you are! Your not going to put your fucking hands on me without consequences.

  2. Every police department needs to have a boot camp to weed out the mentally weak ppl, 25 pushups 50 crunches and a 1/2 mile run shouldn't be the only physical requirements.

  3. I had a police officer handcuff me body slam me and sit on my chest and break his left hand on my face. This officer weighed more than twice what I did. This happens in 2000 by officer Fred Cotton and the whole legal system in Statesboro Georgia helped him cover it up and get rid of me.

  4. Putting that authority in the hands of the bumbling head f**** public tick isn't wise. Especially when they have no obligation to protect the public or to be obligated by law to tell the truth fk em

  5. Opposite of this is, a person is under duress, not knowing the state of mind civilian is in, flight, fight, or fright or compliance.
    Being a minority, Black, the minority, and the black male especially, actually, gives more to the two that is actually theirs, fright/compliance or flight which really turns to fight (wounded bear, or "mental health," delirium, homeless in United States), Delete Lawz is a good door of knowledge. But, don't quote me, I didn't say sh£t.

  6. Bring that idiot cop..and I'll straighten his punk ass out. That's a pathetic argument.or logic and leaves even more risks to the civilian citizen ..Those clowns will all die within the next 72 hours in lue if this kinda thinking! .

  7. This is why you better record. Have the camera rolling just in case the officer turns his off. Most cops aren't gonna stand up for the citizens over thier fellow officer's. Gotta be ready for the Shenanigans.

  8. So since a citizen has the right to defend themselves if they are afraid for their lives by the officer they can do whatever to the officer and not be held accountable if their fear is reasonable…note taken

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