Vid-503 Conversation with Struthers Ohio Law Director John Zomoida #JamesSheets #CantGetBodyCam

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35 thoughts on “Vid-503 Conversation with Struthers Ohio Law Director John Zomoida #JamesSheets #CantGetBodyCam”

  1. Is this a prosecutor? Or just a friend of the cop and the judge and enemy of the people like all prosecutors. Prosecutors are sooo scummy that even judges sometimes who are best friends with prosecutors and HATE ATTORNEYS, sometimes have to put prosecutors in their place because they're so scummy

  2. key words "what they find appropriate" 😏 whenever someone starts stuttering nervously there lying really he is it's all over his face an demeanor.. I can tell you with certainty we would never do that!😂 You're not the media they can control is what he saying pretty much.

  3. omg Chilly! the fucking water bottle must have contained weapons grade radioactive material and they were just trying to hide it! and nobody gives a shit about your threats of law suits….u file at least 35 every week and they go absolutely nowhere…..ur just a charlatan and u are not the press……ur a guy with a phone camera…..NO UR NOT A JOURNALIST

  4. this video was just painful to watch…Chilly u are a waste of human life and this was a waste of everyones time involved…… u asked the same questions over and over again and didnt get any new information that u couldnt have looked up online or already knew….. ur an absolute waste of space……

  5. If you ever find somebody, that will actually help someone in Ohio that has been treated this way? Let me know because I can't even find a lawyer that will take my case. I have videos and documents. Been assaulted cops did nothing been ran over by a car cops did nothing. Illegally kicked out of my apartment Have all the proof please find me someone so I can get justice for these cowards and ohio is nothing but cowards.

  6. There's nothing cops fear more is the footage of their own actions. The good news is there will be a law soon where all raw body cam footage is instantly uploaded to a 3rd party cloud that can be accessed by foia or attorneys.

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