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Dropping likes 👍
I need this mans help in va
Would you ever collaborate with Long Island audit on zoom video call or something.
Is this in Tennessee
I fucking love you man , appreciate all that you do sir .
Been there done that 👍
OTVO – We don´t Stop!
Chilli: I was a corrections officer in Connecticut for over twenty years and my job was exactly what you are showing. I want you to know that I treated everyone who came in with respect and dignity. However: if they came in amped up and going berserk the booking process was interrupted and until the individual became compliant to a degree that allowed the process to proceed, it was halted and they sat in the cell for as long as it took to get them processed. Rarely inmates in intake were extremely violent and that could not be tolerated. Deployment of OC spray or any other things was at the discretion of a supervisor and always video taped. I sympathize with what happened to you and I understand. Believe me. You can’t do that job without a certain degree of humanity and respect. If you don’t have that then you’re a tyrant and don’t deserve to have that job.
I hope you filed assault and false arrest and kidnapping charges on them and sued them and him for everything he's and they got
These boss Hogg hillbillies lose their sht. when anyone challenges their authority.
Chicken fried nazis.
putting cuffs on anyone that has no interest in harming you is still torture no matter how loose they are.
Did they x-ray him?
Jose- Maria, oh he’s Mexican for sure lol
There’s that nervous laugh lol
lol you got stripped search lol
Welcome to the real world!!!!
Hahahahahaha I believe they all know you’re no constitutional law scholar!!! Why don’t you prove that you are? Scared?
In your world, if one is bad all are bad!! You’re no scholar stop lying
He just can’t shut up can he lol
Did you do a boo boo
Whats the follow up to this?
I don't trust any of them!! I wanted to be a cop as a kid because i wanted to help people. I grew up in Chicago and it was a bad place. But when I got older and realized the cops were just as bad as the thugs in Chicago. I was crushed. To hell with them all!!
Thank you for what you do. The only way to keep our rights is to exercise them, especially in the face of tyrants.
You are so dangerous and smart that they felt so threatened by it that they felt the need to gang up on you and try to violate your rights. Cowards. Thank you for what you do. Love you man , thank you thank you
Jose "Chillie" is one stupid dude I wish prison for him!
Wow, I totally understand you!! Wish I had you around shelbyville ky!
Im a little behind in the times, lol. Im glad i watched this. What did chile get arrested for?
Chile said those cops are big and strong 😅. No they arent. Some are tough, but most cops are fat ass pigs who try to act tough.
It seems prison gaurds are more respectful than the tyrants on the streets. There are many dam good cops out there who care and want to protect and serve us. Thank GOD.
But, it sucks when the pigs on the streets harrass innocent civilians and make up there own laws just to arrest someone, then lie in court.
Good bless u
Men absolutely love looking at any hole anywhere anytime on anybody! They just cant help it!!!
Cops take the job because they want to torture people and hurt them and take all their money. That is their whole goal.
Sue these basterds again
I have been there one time too many. It’s common place unfortunately for law enforcement in Georgia to keep 1 in 5 adults in the system
Please stop calling them "Sir.": They don't deserve any type of respect.
This is a terrorist gang , Lawrence county should be so ashamed
Still,why did you say sir,ever .fuck them
You think there's no camera in the in the drunk tank they're definitely is cameras around the drunk tank window of your drink tanks that shows you peeing and pooping and brushing your teeth and doing whatever cuz there's no privacy with your window being wide open for everyone to see you poop NP and wipe your butt out and take a shower in front of everyone out of the toilet because they won't give you a shower for 16 days
I spent 16 days in the drunk tank over a warrant I am devastated in front of everyone that came into the jail to be booked throughout the whole entire jail personnel the nurses the inmates the inmate workers and I needed her and I need a attorney for my rights 16 days in the drunk tank with no phone call no shower no medical attention and I don't feel like I can trust attorney in this whole entire world this is unjustified
So what happens with this
You need schooled on how to act in custody. I've done plenty of time and in and out fighting for my rights but you legitimately make your time harder talking. I don't say sh*t to them. If you need to learn how to move inside hit me up because it's part of the fight against tyranny.
Show the dungeon tank with a hole in the middle of the floor to take a dump or pee. 😎
The more ibwatch the more im coming around to you. Not as if 1 sub matters, but imnordering a trifold good sir.
I rarely ever hit the like button only because I don't want certain things dominating my feed. These youtube don't understand this
What is that machine you stood in front of
Really is his birthday really 9/11 ??😂
I knew I would find a my role model eventually. .I'm obsessed with our rights and holding these crooked cops , procicutors and judges accountable for their actions. Their crookedness ruined mine and my wife's lifes and all I want is revenge..