Welfare Check Becomes Unlawful Arrest

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42 thoughts on “Welfare Check Becomes Unlawful Arrest”

  1. Help me launch https://attorney-shield.com

    Become a founding member!

    About the app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6tBMHB-Lcw

    Stuttgart Police: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088173510936

    Nate's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@nateargent8708

    Submit your video:


    Or mail it to: LackLuster Media LLC

    PO Box 514

    Chester, WV 26034

    Best Dashcam – https://amzn.to/45fVYsW

    MERCH – https://www.youtube.com/@LackLusterMedia/store

    Gimbal – https://amzn.to/45tZyzd

    Camera 1 – https://amzn.to/3x1gn3L

    Camera 2 – https://amzn.to/3slCrbD

    Radar/Laser Detector – https://amzn.to/3P10Wnt

    – – Other Channels – –

    The Odd Side: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSdgjy509mgNBfAa4MQ3gw

    LackLuster Clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtj-_HlsiOHIZpdjIWsFi_w

    – – Social – –

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lacklustermedia.official

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaleHillerYT

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SUcPuym

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/lackluster_media/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lackluster_official


    I receive commissions from featured links on verified purchases, at no cost to you.

  2. A similar situation happened to me. I was forced to be hospitalized after being detained by cops. I was going through a breakup but other than sadness, I didn't manifest any signs of wanting to hurt myself or being suicidal. This experienced, being forced to stay at the hospital for 2 days, traumatized me and brought closer to suicide than anything else because it instilled in me a deep distrust of mental health professionals. Took me more than a decade, when I was on the precipice of doing something I wouldn't come back from, to start the process of seeing professional help. It wasn't easy and took 3 years before I find a competent and attentive experts with a genuine desire to help me get better.

  3. What happened had nothing to do with policing. Shortened his civil rights were violated, police officers did a crime and some more. Me reminds that of a.story from my living place Germany. A lady was accused of a crime, but video footage showed she did not do a crime. The police officer arrested her without arrest warrant. Then officer tried to fabricate a crime to get a warrant afterwards, but failed. She was arrested on a friday and came out on monday. She was over 48 hours in jail and you need at hour 48 an arrest warrant, means a crime was done. She filed a complaint. The German officer was held accountable, disciplinned and had to leave Hamburg Police Department. He was moved to a Lower Saxony Police Department and in the in time he was investigated, he did not received payments. The officer can be glad, the victim did not filed a criminal and civil lawsuite, because he would have lost both. Too much evidence …

  4. I would like to point out that these police department officers are actually trying to delete Facebook posts that link to this video. They're actively censoring public comments on their Facebook page

  5. 5th amendment retaliation, false arrest and detainment. Illegal search and seizure. With evidence like this easy to prove in court. Wasn’t even read his Miranda….😂😂😂 amateurs

  6. This is clear proof that you are guilty till proven innocent. The United States today does not abide by the Constitution that this country was founded on. The U.S government has become the very tyrant we declared independence from back in 1776. We are headed down the road that leads to Civil War, I’m dead serious

  7. Why do the public not vote out these egotistical coppers who believe every citizen should be under their command. The Sargent genuinely believes he has authority over every innocent citizen, disobeying his command is a crime !
    Unbelievable behaviour from morons with guns.

  8. Just a friendly piece of advice to anyone going through anything at least in Florida, you can voluntarily turn yourself into a facility of your choice if they have space. (You can call in advance to ask.)

    The police don’t have to be the ones to take you to get help and you’ll get a lot better help being able to choose where to go.

  9. The obstruction charge will go away once the two "am I being detained?" and "No" question/answer statements from the body cam are heard. As for the wellness check, the Officers could've approached that situation entirely different, and there should be some proper procedural training to correct the errors in dealing with them.

    If and when this is thrown out, since the female Officer basically disclosed all the initiating details of the call that were based on false pretenses, I would consider suing over 4th amendment, and for slander since the man was fired as a result of the interaction.

    The way the female Officer described EXACTLY how they illegally arrested him for nothing is astonishing.. "We rolled up on him walking from his car, I did my whoop whoop (🤦🏻‍♂️) he said he didn't wanna talk and kept walking away; So yeah he's going to jail." Sad that nobody there saw the errors in how she described it all to them..

  10. I don't comment about things . I've had so many run ins with Arkansas. There are good ones if your a good ole boy. But 99.9 percent they are out to get ya. I've tried calling probably 20 times. Dispatch won't answer. I hope everybody keeps calling just to let them know. We the people have the power. Stay peaceful!

  11. Another case of an overstep of power and subordinates making themselves complicit in lawsuits. This is why cops need a four year degree plus much more rigorous training. But don't worry, if these cops get fired they'll be at another job in a week. ACAB until this shit changes. As someone who genuinely needed a welfare check in my young life, I would have been in deep if I was treated this way…

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