What Happened at Today’s Video Depositions of “Creepy Search Cops”

Today three of the defendant police officers in the “Creepy Cops Search Case” were scheduled for video depositions. I guess I found out why they wanted to avoid it. Here’s what happened…..

Yesterday’s video about their motion to restrict my channel: https://youtu.be/4DoUCL-LIEg

Motion Posted at Link: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/09/19/creepy-search-cops-ask-federal-court-to-restrict-my-youtube-channel/

Last update video: https://youtu.be/xkb7qXFh4qA

Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967

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NOTE: We don’t condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct featured in this video, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accountability through the judicial system.


50 thoughts on “What Happened at Today’s Video Depositions of “Creepy Search Cops””

  1. Your videos are such a service to the unaware public. They have been acting with brutality and lies forever. The public benefits hugely in knowing their civil rights and having visible knowledgeable advocates.
    Thank You for your commitment to your profession and victimized people

  2. You really need to watch your back , never know how low they'll go ..
    and it's safe to say that nobody in the dept will investigate if something bad happens.
    These people are immoral, and dangerous .

  3. I think were getting the underlying reason why cops dont like being recorded. They dont like neing held accountable for their actions.

    To take apage out of the police community relations handbook under consensual searches, if you dont have anything to hide why dont you want to be recorded and uploaded on social media?

  4. Canton, Massachusetts, cops murdered their fellow Boston cop…as we speak there is a major cover up. Follow turtleboy podcast. I can’t handle this abuse of power! Glad you are onboard.

  5. This show us the world that the police are nothing but cowards when they break the law and hide behind the 5th , dirty stinking corrupt cops should be jailed and given a bar of soap for the showers !!!!!

  6. But when the person you are representing in a criminal case pleads the 5th you encourage that, and by doing so makes them the tough guy not the guy trying to hide something?
    Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with the 5th amendment! It’s a tool in the game of justice, to be wheeled to the defense’s betterment.

  7. Showed up to court ready to defend myself as my own lawyer. When they dropped 2 of the 3 charges, the first thing I did was force the judge put tossed charges back.
    Why , because all police stupidity that lead to the third charge was in the first two.
    1986 Newmarket court house.

  8. Showed up to court ready to defend myself as my own lawyer. When they dropped 2 of the 3 charges, the first thing I did was force the judge put tossed charges back.
    Why , because all police stupidity that lead to the third charge was in the first two.
    1986 Newmarket court house.

  9. Wellllll we sll know whst pleading the 5th means. YOU ARE A LIAR. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha your not cops your THUGS. NO WARRENT SO YOU HAVE TO LIE. THEY ARE NOT TUFF JUST FAT FROM SITTING ON THEIR CHAIRS ALL DAY.

  10. Just curious. These cops, in plain clothes, just look like armed thugs. What if a home owner found them in their house and mistook them for intruders? What if the home owner shot them? What if Police are called, don't recognise the plain clothed cops, and shoot them? Would that be justified? Isn't that why cops wear uniforms? so they don't get mistaken for criminals? Does that mean that these cops accept the risk of being harmed as armed intruders?

  11. So are they a few rogue cops in an otherwise generally stand up department? Or is this the tolerated, or worse yet supported behavior that the Putnam County Sheriffs Office typically expects from their officers?

  12. It is terrifying what is happening in this Country. Even law abiding Citizens are not safe anymore from these Government thugs. If I did not see the video evidance, I would say you were crazy if you told me this was happening. Scary shit.

  13. Interesting, even simple questions. Next time get a small box of crayons, like small 10 count, pull one out and ask him what color it is, if he answers do it every so ofen when they plead the 5th. lol 😂
    Civil case it makes them look dirty and untruthful wires incorrupt. And the jury Only has to look at it by how they feel not by the law.

  14. *Fly on the wall of defense deposition prep heard…*

    D. A.
    There's no way u can explain this. Any attempt to, will just make u look more like a dumbass.

    I''ll just do like the auditors and plead the 5th.

    IN OWN A$$.


  15. Still can't believe they weren't fired or prosecuted for their terrible actions. They drug tested the ashes of a human being.

    That was someone's child and friend, if someone did that to the ashes of my loved one I wouldn't stop until they were behind bars or at the very least destroy their careers.

    Absolutely disgusting and Evil human beings.

  16. Pleading the 5th about employment history tracks. They looked like gang members in the video, so I guess even employment history can be damning. They need to lose their jobs, along with the corrupt "federal agent" who tipped them off instead of investigating. This whole thing reeks of organized crime.

  17. Blue Thug Gang strikes again. Telling the truth under oath in a deposition would absolutely expose them to criminal charges. They should already be facing criminal charges in this case and maybe many others? But true to Gang rules the leaders of the pack have not charged them with criminal conduct under color of law. Bunch of shit stains who should be in jail. Top to bottom in this case.

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