What to do when pulled over: Use the Trifold

Get your “We Don’t Stop” T-shirt and your Indestructible Tri-Fold on DeletelawZ dot com — We Dont Stop —


You should always use THE TRIFOLD That we sell on INDESTRUCTIBLE PAPER from the website DeleteLawZ dot com for $25.00. We ship it from Los Angeles. OR — get the Trifold you PRINT AT HOME for five dollars

DeleteLawZ dot com

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Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2OZO37IQE83BT/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_2


32 thoughts on “What to do when pulled over: Use the Trifold”

  1. Hello. Im wondering if you know how to help me. Or rather how can I help myself? Have some bogus tickets I can't appeal. They are ruining my name and making life difficult. I need a solution and hoping you're versed to find me a way out. Thanks in advance.

  2. The big question, if we had a right to travel on roads with horses and carriages before Hendrix vs Maryland when driver's licenses were created, why should we have that right denied now? Why force people that refuse to comply with licenses to only use scooters? We had the ability to move large items like chairs or bookcases in carriages before licenses were created.

  3. THIS IS THE VIDEO THAT I’VE BEEN LOOKING FORRRRRR!!! And boyyyyyy thank you for this type of content. Im from NYC where the tyranny out here is out of control !! I hope you come up here and what you do. But thank you for this video. I myself have had my rights violated by this THUGS out here. Definitely getting this TRIFOLD

  4. Delete lawz is a fraud, he talks a big game about if you can’t afford a tri fold he’ll send you out one, I bought three black Tri Folds for $15.00 and I never got an email confirmation that it went through, but my credit card shows he took my money, I emailed him two times for a response back and still have not heard anything, now I have to call my credit card company to dispute discharge, beware of losing your money if you try to purchase from this false website


    🔷Rist, Beth. Ironton v. Rist (p. 39). Kindle Edition.

    🔷I have recently been ridiculed and brutally criticized online for my videos, forced to stay in a corner with my back against the wall, trying to defend myself all alone. Captain Chad Gue is also a cop on YouTube trying to express his honesty to the force during these tragic times of corruption lying underneath his supervision. Brad Spolijaric is under his supervision and is another cop who was recently arrested by fellow officers over drug charges, domestic violence, and more. Spoljaric had Fentanyl, Meth, and much more in his possession at a fellow officer's residence. He was charged, and he resigned, but nothing has been spoken about it in the local papers or court records. I did not work with Spoljaric, so I don't know all of what he has done, but I did work with Chad Gue. I witnessed him in 2008, smashing a handcuffed man's head against the wall in the lobby of the police department. I witnessed other officers as well, beat down people during calls.

    🔷Rist, Beth. Ironton v. Rist (p. 39). Kindle Edition.

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