Wrongfully Locked Up By Rude Cops – Lawsuit

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00:00 Intro
00:55 Ekster
02:30 Contact
04:56 No Search!
05:54 Improper Handling
07:24 Cam Cuts Out
08:46 In Custody
10:38 Charges Dismissed
11:25 Lawsuit
12:44 Final

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35 thoughts on “Wrongfully Locked Up By Rude Cops – Lawsuit”

  1. Use my link: https://shop.ekster.com/lackluster

    Get a huge discount on your Ekster Wallet!

    Libertarian Wake Up Call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxKRH-lkEYU

    Vancouver Police: https://www.facebook.com/VancouverPoliceUSA/

    Submit your video: https://forms.gle/CUpEtoKF4cw7apur6

    Other Channels – Social:

    The Odd Side: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSdgjy509mgNBfAa4MQ3gw

    True Crime: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtj-_HlsiOHIZpdjIWsFi_w

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SUcPuym

  2. I'm' sorry, if you're walking through a highly populated area with large crowds with an AR-15 and expect people not to be alarmed in light of recent events, this guys is simply being an asshole who's looking for trouble.

  3. That's ridiculous. Your told to leave, try to leave, told you basically cannot approach your car to leave, then arrested because your not leaving fast enough because you can't approach your car.

  4. You are walking around with an AR-15 and you are seeking to bring attention to yourself. This is bullshit on your part. Yes it is legal, but it is not smart. Considering ALL the mass shooting. You did this for attention & to make $$$. If the police had shot you it would have been your own damn fault. Shalom

  5. So putting aside the incredible rude/unprofessionell behavior by the police, the fact that they had no legal ground for their behavior, that they accused him of trespassing while he was on a public sidewalk and the fact that they asked him to put his phone away multiple times clearly demonstrating that they dont wanna be held accountable for their actions … Can we spare a second Thinking about how dumb that argument by the court ( at 11:37) is: "Well they may have violated ur rights and seized u and ur gun in an unlawful manner but i think they won't do it again which is why i am dropping ur charges against them, they are guilty but they won't repeat that so they are innocent, u get it ? U get that, right ?"
    That is logic on a whole new level of dumb, just imagine that reasoning on a murder trial:
    "Well ur honor i clearly murdered that guy but i can reassure u that i won't do it again"

  6. This is how nazis do it. These corrupt qualified immunity judgements need to be revisted.. now!! They literally pointed guns at an innocent law abiding citizen.. not only is that a violation of their oath.. it is illegal!!

  7. i disagree with the act of open carrying him walking around and people not being bothered is a very normal response because people want to befriend the crazy gun guy not confront in anyway i dont really care what others have to say its threatening to open carry if someone was responsible they would have a concealed pistol people holding ar15's publicly put the idea in my head that they are going outside with the intention to use it

  8. Wasn't Mac supposed to show his carry lic.?
    If not, then how can the police determine if someone carrying a rifle in public has a lic. to carry or not?
    The male cop was calm and acted fine.
    Seems like our courts are balancing Auditors abusing our amendments as well as ego driven cops abusing their power (hence Mac's case was dismissed)

  9. I don’t agree with the officers behavior. But at the same time, I also don’t think it’d be a good idea for everyone to just walk around freely with an AR. That’s just stupid. Conceal carry is more than enough protection

  10. I swear that my blood pressure sky rockets , clench my fist and my jaw when I watch videos like this. The stuff these cops do to innocent people is despicable . And, that they usually get no consequences means it's going keep happening and escalate.

  11. Stupid itch @4:25 still has a shotgun shouldered with her finger on the trigger. Even though he has been disarmed, shown to have no other weapons and poses no threat. If she were to shoot the innocent civilian with her shotgun, she would also shoot her partner, from the spread of the shot unless the round was a slug 🤔🙄 threw his mag on the ground @7:50. Sue these morons

  12. THANK YOU for EVERYTHING you do to HELP people… you are TRULY a wonderful person brah i gotchu AND ALWAYS smash the like button although the algorithm STILL brings up FORBES smh but nonetheless THANK YOU for you SERVICE!! we LOVE your channel!

  13. Thankfully, we get a LOT of armed citizens in the store where I work. In all of the dozens I've seen in the last few months the only one that bothered me was a man who had it tucked in the waistband of his pants. All of the rest were holstered and looked very secured and safe.

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