39 thoughts on “You got like, 3 feet of air that time…”

  1. If the cop hits a kid, they'll blame the guy running. If you doubt me, they charged a guy in my city for aggravated manslaughter because the cop who was arresting him had a heart attack while arresting him! No joke!

  2. Everybody's laughing about it until the news anchor interviews them at Jamal's funeral, talking bout how good he was always helping people and never did nothing wrong and how he was getting ready to go to college…

  3. Reckless driving on the cops part if I've seen any. How did that cop know there wasn't any holes in the ground or any kids laying down? You don't cut through yards like that, you put your own life along with bystanders lives in jeopardy.

  4. How can it not be illegal to not only do a high speed chase through a residential area but cut through people's backyards where children play at high speeds how can that not be illegal

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