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You are the super truth seeker sir!!! God Bless You!!!!!
Worse place on earth??? I guess you haven't gone to many places.
jose! STOP tipping your hand and telling people what you are "constitutional law scholar"
why do you tell everyone that?
he is guilty i watched him steal that orange
I'm 58 and born and raised in The Bronx. Im white, btw. I've been beaten up by NYPD many times through the years of my youth, and I never resisted or fought with them. They have a gang mentality and run wild all over the city, especially the anti-crime unit that just goes around jumping people. I love what you're doing Mr lawZ. Keep up the good fight.
"I do love it thank you."
I live in NY.. auditing here is a different ball game. The entire nypd are thugged out lunatics. There’s no accountability here and they fear nothing bc the state will protect these gangsters at all costs
So tge lady cop didn't or doesn't know what a dungeon is and what they do at the dungeon.
Yes, Brooklyn Audits is not alone Kate and Team Skeptic and Shizz are coming to help him!! TROLL MAFIA TO THE RESCUE bwahahaha
Thank you for raising awareness, keep fighting the good fight! WE DON'T
People wonder in astonishment how something like a Nazi can come into existence.
People wonder in disbelief how one nazi turns into a million.
People wonder in utter awe how nazis commit heinous atrocities against innocent people….
This is how it happens, “I work for the executive branch”
“I’m just doing my job”
“I don’t discuss the laws, I just enforce them”
…. The most vomit inducing sentence ever uttered….”I’m just following orders”

These low IQ wxrthless scum sxcking pxgs with zero talent or skills in life, little by little become indoctrinated to the point they’re apathetic robotic drones. Under complete control like marionettes, unable to think for themselves and use even the slightest discretion… because, “they’re just following orders”
So their putrid rotten egos feel justified in their treasonous actions.
How pxgs sleep at night is mind boggling to me…. The strait up sociopaths sleep like baby’s for obvious reasons.
The mindless rxtards either believe they’re justified in the name of “safety” or are so rxtarded they unable to feel empathy because they’ve been brainwashed to just “follow orders”
Worst of all though are the pxgs who know in their heart they’re actions are evil, yet continue their crimes for that thin blue line….
Finally you have the pxgs that are actually empathetic, and try doing what’s right and
Moral by the people they swore an oath to protect. They might even speak up and call out the corruption…. Unfortunately these pxgs never last… they either get indoctrinated, relocated, fired, framed and even mxrdered….
This is a gang. pxgs under their horrid gang colored thin blue line Reprehensible flag are exactly that… a gang.
They’re only goal is their will.
They’re an armed group of gangsters completely sovereign, who work outside the laws they enforce, free to do as they wish with complete immunity!!!
you see how Nazi’s are created now? This is it, we’re all witnessing it in real-time…
Just think of this…. Money is stolen from us to fund a criminal organization that can do whatever it wants free from prosecution. The people are forced to fund our own oppression, this is where we are in America folks….
Sounds like nazi’s to me…. Luckily it hasn’t reached its pinnacle, yet…..
Enough is enough man… these mxther fxckers must be eradicated like the filthy vermin they are….
Soulless monsters, ALL OF THEM!!!
no such thing as a good cop, FACT… the so called “good” cops never last, unless they pledge allegiance to their gang…
The ones that do this, end up putting gxns in their mouth…. Good riddance
Maybe that’ll save their soul…
This is serious shxt folks, the ENTIRE point of our god given right to bare arms is to defend ourselves from the exact tyranny happening to us TODAY….
If you “good cops” don’t change this filth from the inside the people have no choice but to revolt… nobody wants war, but everybody will fight for freedom…

Unfortunately bullets don’t distinguish between bad cops and good cops…
The people WILL WIN
These people are robots, the scum of the earth in every generation of life!
Always love your work sir! Keep up the pressure! Maybe next time use the phrase " I'm a private attorney general " this would give you legal authority to speak with law enforcement on another's behalf without having to be a lawyer?!? Sure you already know the concept but if not look into it? Be blessed , live well , stay hard! # overturn Terry # just say no to pain compliance # God bless America
Wow 721-B to legally too record what my eyes can see.
I've seen brooklyn audits video, he clearly wasn't arrested for filming.
Chili thank you for calling!!! They didn't need to rush up on him and manhandle the guy
If a police officer is needing me to give CPR to save their lives the law doesn't say I have too. I only have to call 911 if I witnessed a crime. I will never help a police officer. They will only hear me laughing at them while they are dying. I will by law never help a crooked police officer until I meet my lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ wouldn't stand for crooked cop's.
Chille, You also need to do one here in Lakeland Florida now a Teen had been arrested for peacefully protesting in Munn Park.
Chillie, if you ever find yourself in Brooklyn ny that would be awesome BUT the cops here are ruthless.
Be careful & ill take you for the Best slice of pizza in Brooklyn
New York is truly the enemies within.
New York has committed high felony treason.
I like that you backed a fellow auditor. I will resubscribe
Bill of rights newws discovery and investigation and discovery.
Cops attack American citizens for equity and papers effects. Then the American citizens tryed to protect his self from the officers encounter encroach and infringement all in the interest of equity. For the judges lawyers attorneys and police.
Yo that was hilarious, when they take you to the Dungeon and strip search you up your bonghole

Go get‘me Chili.

That’s ridiculous! No crime committed!
Typical corrupt swine